When you've been married for a while, your relationship can take a hit on the gratitude side if you are not intentional about finding the good in your mate. Think about it. As a newlywed, the first couple of months are literally a honeymoon. You know how to love your spouse. You know why you love your spouse. You know why you are happily married. After a while, however, their … [Read more...]
2 Simple Words that Have the Power to Transform Your Marriage
When people talk about what it takes to have a happy marriage, more often than not, you will hear the words: love, communication and trust. And while each of those actions are crucial to marital success, there are two other words that shouldn't be overlooked; grace and gratitude. These are two simple words that carry a lot of weight and have the potential to transform your … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Uplift Your Man and Create a Marriage Overflowing with Gratitude
Last week, my mom had a seizure. It was a stressful experience for her. She has multiple health issues, and developing epilepsy after a stroke she suffered three years ago is one of them. Whenever she has a challenging day, it unfortunately turns into a challenging week and sometimes a challenging month. It’s hard for me to watch because she is my mom, and I want the best … [Read more...]
How to Show Your Husband You Respect Him (Using Only Two Words)
It’s so easy to take one another for granted in marriage. The two most effective words to prevent that from happening are: Thank You. Expressing your gratitude for the things your husband does that may feel routine or minute, is such a simple way to show how much you respect him. The word respect is defined as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by … [Read more...]
11 Reasons Why I’m Thankful for My Husband
During a week where we are reminded of why it’s important to give thanks, I find myself thinking about the things and people in my life that I am thankful for. I am pretty good at expressing gratitude. I always have been, and I thank my mom for that. I could go on and on, telling you all about my wonderful kids, my awesome friends, and the hundred other things I’m thankful … [Read more...]
The Five G’s Every Marriage Should Have
Whenever I hear a sermon, a word or a song on my favorite gospel station, I try to think about how I can use those words to honor my husband. When my Pastor speaks about developing a better relationship with God, I always try to also understand ways that I can develop a better relationship with my husband. And boy has this site given me so much insight, laughter and … [Read more...]