Have you ever been hurt by someone you love so badly that you just didn't know what to do? The pain is excruciating and your mind can't stop replaying the harsh words unfairly leveled at you by your spouse, or your friend, or your parent. You wake up each day and a million different emotions course through your body because the struggle is almost unbearable. In this … [Read more...]
Should You Know Everything About Your Mate?
Every person, every psychologist and every marriage counselor has an opinion on what makes a good marriage. Can we agree that part of a good marriage includes love, honesty and openness? However, does this mean should you know everything about your mate? Is it necessary to know all that happened in their life before they met you? Is it realistic to know your mate inside and … [Read more...]
I Never Knew What Betrayal Felt Like, and It Almost Ruined Me
We usually learn everything we need to know about relationships from the ones we experience around us—mostly our parents, friends, neighbors, etc. For better or worse, those experiences prepare us, usually toughening up our armor to take our own battles for love and happiness in the outside world. But for those individuals who are ill-prepared for the fight, what happens … [Read more...]
5 Tips for Moving Forward When You Know You Were Wrong
Even the best relationships run into problems from time to time. Maybe someone said something they should not have said. Or maybe it was something that needed to be said but it was delivered in a manner that left the receiver feeling upset or hurt. It could even be about something your partner did or failed to do. Whatever the case, feelings get hurt, people get frustrated, … [Read more...]
6 Soul Cleansing Ways to Truly Let Past Hurt Become Water Under the Bridge
Let’s just make this clear as we get started – When you hurt, you hurt. It doesn’t matter if anyone else thinks your hurt is valid. You know what you feel. So how do you truly let past hurts become water under the bridge? In other words, how do you let it go to the point that it no longer affects your life in a negative way? Related: Read these 6 helpful ways to overcome … [Read more...]
What Do You Do When Your Spouse Is Hurting?
It’s hard to see our loved ones in pain whether physical, mental, or emotional. What do you do when your spouse is hurting? How do you know when to step in and when to back off? Here are 4 key areas to keep in mind when going through this type of challenge: 1. Keep the lines of communication open. Difficult subjects can be hard to approach, but don’t let this stop you. Keep … [Read more...]
What to Do When Your Own Family Does You Wrong
Everyone gets done wrong. Unfortunately, it’s a part of life. But who expects to be done wrong by your family? Maybe that’s why it stings a little more, it’s family. If a stranger did you wrong, at least you could fall back on the phrase, “they don’t know me.” I’m telling you right now, even when it’s your family, you can still say, “they don’t know me.” Now, truth be told, … [Read more...]
Learn to Say These 2 Words and Heal Your Marriage
Words are powerful. They can make or break a relationship. For some people, it's really difficult to tell their significant other “I love you,” or “I’m sorry,” or even “I was wrong.” But, I'm not writing about those phrases today. In my experiences of ministering to women and couples, I've found some of the hardest words for spouse's to say to each other are "I'm … [Read more...]
Lose Yourself: Getting Out of Your Own Way in Love
I used to love without fear a long time ago….when all I ever wanted was love STOP….Think about it! No seriously think back to that time in your life when you loved so innocently….no fear, no guilt. Maybe it was your first love, your college sweetheart, or even your current significant other. It doesn’t really matter who it is or was, but we all had that feeling at one … [Read more...]
Give Your Spouse The Silent Treatment, The Right Way
I was a repeat offender. Even before my husband and I got married, I struggled with giving him the silent treatment. You know what that is, right? When he would do something that hurt or upset me, I would go silent for days. Some people use the silent treatment deliberately to get revenge on the other person. I think my response was involuntary; it was a defense mechanism. … [Read more...]