Give anyone a choice between chaos and peace, and they will undoubtedly choose peace. Peace of mind is what we all strive for. No matter who you are, or what you do, no one wants to feel overwhelmed, stressed out or weighed down by the day-to-day burdens of life. We want freedom, joy, and the peace that comes with it. When we are unable to find inner peace, it carries over … [Read more...]
3 Special Prayers for Joy and Peace During the Holidays
Happy Holidays! This joyous seasonal phrase will be heard in living rooms, grocery stores, and churches all throughout the country for a little more than a month. For many people, this is truly the best time of the year. But it doesn't come without trouble. For one reason or another, there are people who find spending time with family burdensome. But, while the potential for … [Read more...]
Why I Refuse to Let Guilt Tear Me Apart This Holiday Season
I had been living with a lot of guilt lately. It wasn't guilt because I personally did something wrong, but the guilt still robbed me of my joy and thanksgiving. Ironically, I had been feeling guilty for all the good things happening in my life recently. I wanted to rejoice that my parents and both my brothers along with their families would be with us at my brother's … [Read more...]
9 Qualities Every Christian Should Look For in a Future Spouse
Navigating the dating pool can be difficult. When you consider of a laundry list of compatibilities from physical attraction and personality to social class, it’s hard to decide where to begin. Yet, as a single Christian, there is one consideration that far outweighs them all: Character. The Bible states in 1 Corinthians chapter 4, verse 5, “He will bring to light what is … [Read more...]
5 Things Every Woman Needs to be Happy in Her Marriage
Having a happy marriage shouldn’t feel like some elusive goal. Despite all the negativity you may hear or see, happy marriages do exist. They don’t just happen by chance, though. A happy marriage is something that happens when each partner is willing to do some individual work, and together the couple is willing to work on their marriage. A happy and healthy marriage … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Experience More Joy and Happiness in Your Marriage
Joy and happiness are two elements of a healthy marriage. They sound like the same thing but really they are very different. Yet, both are needed. A marriage can have highs and lows, challenges and smooth sailing. Still, joy and happiness can be experienced every day. They are not something that you and your mate experience on holidays or a few times a year. It is possible … [Read more...]
It Gives Me So Much Joy to See My Husband Happy
My husband and I both got the text message: I have 2 tickets to the ACC tournament, and you all can have them if you want. I didn't respond. It was 8:30 a.m. and work was calling. Heck, I didn't even know the ACC Tournament was in town. It's more than a big deal in North Carolina, so you would've thought I would be aware that traffic would be hectic around the coliseum … [Read more...]
Sometimes We Think We Want a Divorce, But What We Really Want Is Our Joy Back
A woman wrote me recently asking for advice about her failing marriage. Life was really taking a toll on her and her husband. They were caring for a terminally ill parent. They were growing apart after 8 ½ years, resulting in a non-existent sex life. When they did speak to each other, well, you can imagine that their words were not always kind. So, they finally had “the … [Read more...]
You Say You Want Joy And Peace In Your Relationship, But Do You Really?
If you do, that's great! But here's the secret: your mouth can't be the only part of you wishing for joy and peace. Your actions have to also be in alignment. I often wonder if people really know how to be happy. I've sat (not-so-quietly) by as I listened to friends sabotage their own relationships from the very start. It seemed as though their expectation was to be unhappy. … [Read more...]
Why Love Doesn’t Equal Happiness
In the game of love and happiness, there are plenty of successful tales to speak of. Many of them are posted right here on this website and featured in the documentaries filmed by Lamar and Ronnie Tyler. But success doesn't come without it's peaks and valleys.It's ebbs and it's flows. There are stretches when you are madly in love with the man or woman that you've chosen to … [Read more...]