How does your wife compete with the other woman when the other woman is your mother? She can’t nor should she have to. A mother has her place and a wife has her place. The two positions are distinctly different and should complement one another not compete. Fellas, you set the tone for this relationship between two very important women in your life. If you don't know by now, … [Read more...]
What to Do When Your Mother-In-Law Doesn’t Like You
The feeling of your mother-in-law not welcoming or liking you is say the least. It puts you in a bad position. I've been a daughter-in-law for many years and now I'm in the role of mother-in-law (or mother-in-love I like to say). So, my viewpoint comes from a heart that sees the best in each of these positions. So, if you find yourself in a position where … [Read more...]
Three Surprising People Men May Have to Protect Their Wives From
The definition of PROTECT is: to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction. So many times as men we are told that our role is to protect our wives and family by any means. Although we may think that this duty comes naturally because of our testosterone or alpha male status, the truth is that many of us have confused protecting with how "hard" or tough we … [Read more...]
Competing With His First Love (His Mother)
I swear I have the world’s best mother-in-law. She’s sweet, thoughtful, loving, giving and a great grandparent to my daughters. She loves her children more than anything and has always accepted me as part of the family. My mother-In-law is also an outstanding cook who loves to feed us. She sometimes even prepares meals for us to take on the road. During one of those to-go … [Read more...]
3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts of Dealing With Your Mother-in-Law
I’ve heard many women complaining about their mother-in laws and wanted to share some advice about how to deal with her. Women are not the only ones with mother-in-law issues; men also have monster-in-laws too. There are certain do’s and don’ts that can help you maintain your sanity when dealing with your spouse’s mother. Do respect her You don’t have to like her but you … [Read more...]