The journey from the single life to one of marital bliss can be awesome! For some, they search for, find, and grab a hold of love early on in life. Others, however, take a little more time to explore so that when the time is right, they feel better equipped to jump the broom. Whether you are single and on the prowl, or have started your journey with the love of your life, … [Read more...]
2 Remarkable Ways Being a Proverbs 31 Woman is Bound to Impact Your Man
Many Christian women, before they get married, often pray about becoming like the Proverbs 31 woman. This is a high calling that they strive, and may even vow to be, for their one special man. Some of the amazing qualities of this Biblically divine woman include: Her steadfast faith in God. Her unconditional relationship with her Husband. Her wise counsel and mothering … [Read more...]
10 Beautifully Courageous Qualities of the Proverbs 31 Woman and Why You Want to Be Her
By: Jessica Taylor-Mosley What makes the Proverbs 31 woman so elite, where she stands in a class all by herself? It’s simple. This incredible woman is in a class all by herself simply because of what she is made of and the courage it takes to get there! And what she is made of didn’t come all at once but rather through the process of time. She is a woman of great … [Read more...]
What’s The Reward for Being a Proverbs 31 Woman?
Last week I started a conversation on just how close we are to the Proverbs 31 woman. We took a deeper look at verses 10-15 and compared the scripture to our modern day lives. Verses 16-31 remind us again, that although some of the wording may not be applicable to us today, the majority of today’s wives are already living a Proverbs 31 life. 16 She considers a field and … [Read more...]
The Proverbs 31 Woman of 2015 – How Do You Measure Up?
Most women, as they are preparing for marriage, seek guidance or a marriage model to pattern themselves after. Naturally we want to be successful in love, so we look to either our parent’s relationships, the other couples we grew up around and, of course, the most perfect example of a wife, the Proverbs 31 woman. This powerful piece of scripture proves to be the marriage … [Read more...]
Finding the Proverbs 31 Woman: 10 Virtues to Teach our Boys
A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls. Proverbs 31:10 [emphasis added]. Often we hear about this Proverbs 31 woman. Many of us teach our daughters to become a Proverbs 31 woman. As women, a huge number of us strive to be like her. However, we hear far less of … [Read more...]