If there is anything almost nine years of marriage has taught me, it’s that I can’t get my husband to read my mind. Yep, despite my best efforts, that brotha just can’t do it. Consider it a shortcoming if you must, but I realize that he’s just human. My husband is actually human. Shocking, right? After all, didn’t he get the memo that marrying me meant that he needed to … [Read more...]
Ughh, She’s Always Bragging About Her Relationship; 4 Reasons to Stop Hating!
No one likes a bragger. Even when our kids brag, we pull them to the side to explain why it’s not the best way to express excitement about something. It can be a hard concept for kids to get, but we expect better from adults. We expect adults to remain humble and spare us from all the talk about how amazing their life is. But is it possible that sometimes we are wrong? That … [Read more...]
One Major Reason Why Marriage Seminars Can Be Helpful (Even if You Think You’ve Heard it All Before)
It had been a while since my husband and I attended a marriage workshop, so when a seminar was announced at our church, we decided to register for it. Most of the day was your usual banter on what makes men and women different (by comparing how long it takes us vs. them to get ready), about how women are emotional and like to talk, etc. You know…the usual. As we sat through … [Read more...]
I’m Struggling to Become A More Submissive Wife
OK, my tongue is about to start bleeding. I'm biting down on it, trying not to say anything "flip", especially in front of the kids. You see, I'm practicing submission. Yes, I said "practicing" because I haven't always been generous in this aspect of my marriage. If you recall in one of my first BMWK posts, I shared with you some magical things that happened for me and how I … [Read more...]
What Two Feet Of Snow Taught Me About Marriage
by Tara Pringle Jefferson In case this is your first time to BMWK or you never read my little bio at the end of all my posts, I live near Cleveland, Ohio, which was just ranked as one of the snowiest cities in the country. How fun for the woman who doesn't go outside when the temp falls below 50 degrees. Last week, we got pounded. My husband left for work and just missed … [Read more...]