My friend called me just to chat. Our chat soon turned into a conversation we’ve had far too many times: Should she stay with her man despite their most recent fight? I love her, but these conversations are frustrating and exhausting. And I mean for me. I can only imagine how she must feel. Listen, I understand the complexities of it all. She loves him. They have history. … [Read more...]
Control, What Does it Really Represent in Your Relationship?
Is control the dominant force driving your romantic relationships, friendships or business partnerships? If so, fear is alive and well in your relationships. People create defense mechanisms, which manifest themselves as control issues or tactics because they fear losing someone or something they value. Control is not at all about the person being controlled. It is, however, … [Read more...]
7 Major Signs You Are in an Unhealthy Relationship and What You Should Do About It
One of my favorite sayings is, “I can do bad all by myself.” I love that saying because it is so true. I mean, who needs a partner if all that person brings is grief. My heart aches when anyone I know is in a relationship that seems to drain them, while giving very little in return. Relationships should be a give and take experience, leaving both parties happy. I believe the … [Read more...]
Is the Drama in Your Relationship Really About Love?
You’ll never forget how you felt when you first met. You could hardly catch your breath, your heart pounding in your chest, your pulse racing. And the sex! It was amazing, explosive, mind-blowing. It was everything the movies, the music, and your fantasies said that true love would be: intense, hot, exciting, crazy. At least in the beginning. Until you begin to realize that … [Read more...]
Why You Might Keep Falling Victim To Unhealthy Relationships
YUP on another infamous flight I was listening to my IPod and I came across the following lyrics from JCole and I had to speak on it! To all my women with the flaws I know it's hard my darling, you wonder why you’re lonely and your man's not keep falling victim 'cause you're insecure and when I tell you that you're beautiful you can't be sure. Cuz he don't seem … [Read more...]