No one I know enjoys being petty. In fact, I cringe whenever my name and that word are used in the same sentence. Hearing that term will cause most folks to stop and reexamine their behavior immediately. Let’s be honest — we’ve all been there and it’s so easy to be petty when you’re angry at your man. Check out the ways you’re being petty to your husband and how to avoid doing them in this post.
Being Petty | Getting Over the Little Things
What Does Being Petty Mean?
One of the definitions of petty is being mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things. That says it all. Although we may despise the word or never intend to come across as being petty, it still doesn’t stop us from displaying certain behaviors. Wives, for example, can sometimes do things to their husbands that easily fall into the petty category, and, ladies, it’s just time we admit it.
Here are a few examples of the petty things wives can sometimes do to their husbands:
1. Pretending to Be Asleep
Ladies, how many of you are guilty of this one? You may hear him, entering the room or calling your name and you immediately stop all movement and even begin the fake heavy breathing to further convince him you’re asleep.
It’s funny, but it’s also petty and wrong. You don’t know what he needs. You just know you don’t feel like being bothered. I understand. Just know it’s also okay to be honest and say “baby, I’m so tired right now, so if you can give me a minute, or if you can handle that yourself, I’d appreciate it.”
You know, sometimes, our men really need us. They sometimes can’t quite figure that thing out or perhaps they can, but being petty in this way, won’t do him any good.
2. Changing the Subject When You Know He’s Right
Ooh, is that being petty or what? I’m guilty ladies, are you? Some of us just can’t stand to be wrong. It’s painful, isn’t it? Whenever the situation is leaning toward him being right, it’s time for a new topic. It’s just that simple.
Some of us feel as though we won’t hear the end of it if he’s right and we’re wrong. The reality is, sometimes, we are wrong. We can’t be right about every damn thing. We have to give our husbands some credit. The world won’t end just because he’s right—at least this one time, lol.
3. Blaming Him for the Same Things You Do
Does this one sound familiar to anyone? A husband’s errors are usually quite clear to his wife. He might not clean up after himself or maybe he has another behavior that irritates you. As his wife, you may be quick to call him out on whatever it is that he does wrong.
However, it might be a bit challenging for you to see your own errors. Wives, we aren’t perfect either. It’s time we admitted that to ourselves. Pointing fingers has always been easier than taking responsibility. Ladies, we can set the example on this one. Showing your man that you’re willing to own your actions will make him comfortable enough to do the same.
4. Not Admitting Fault or Giving Credit Where It Is Due
How many of you ladies fall into this category? Maybe you’ve admitted he was right, but you refuse to apologize. Or perhaps you’d like to give him props for something, but you’re worried about what it will do to his ego.
This does something to your man, especially if you’re the type of woman who is always expecting an apology from him whenever he’s wrong or needs constant affirmations yourself. We have to suck it up, take some ownership, praise him when he’s done something well and offer a sincere apology when necessary. These are all grown up moves and really good for your relationship.
5. Being Too Jealous
From the waitress to the woman behind him in line at the grocery store, it’s his fault if they flirt with him, right? Wrong. Ladies, this is a big one. That thinking doesn’t serve our marriage well. Every woman who says hello doesn’t want your man.
Even if they do, is it always his fault? We can’t blame our men for another person’s actions. It causes friction in our relationships, and it simply isn’t worth the headache. We might find ourselves starting an argument over something that wasn’t even that big of a deal.
Wives, I know you don’t mean to be petty. However, if any of these actions are ringing true for you, you may fall into that category. Believe me, I’m guilty too. Being in a grown-up relationship means we have to be willing to put pettiness aside and consider what’s good for the relationship overall. It might be challenging, but, ladies, we got this! It’s time to say goodbye to petty.
Ladies, what are some ways you may have been petty in your relationship? Hard to admit, but we’ve all been there! Share your stories in the comments section!
Up Next: 3 Wifely Duties and Husbandly Tasks That Keep Your Home Running Smoothly
Editor’s Note — This post was originally published on October 6, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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