As parents our heart’s desire is to see our children happy. We love them and care for them, preparing them for adulthood and a time in which we won’t be the only ones to make them just that — happy. They grow up and eventually they find comfort and refuge in the arms of another. Our hope is that the arms they find themselves in are of a person who is worthy of their heart and their love. This is especially the case with our little girls. For fathers giving away their daughter to the man they marry is more than just a part of the wedding ceremony. It is symbolic of the fact that they trust another man to love and care for one of their most prized possessions — their child. For the father in this video the act of giving his daughter to her groom called for a speech. The speech he gave was beautiful and at the core of it was his desire to see his child happy. “Lord make her happy.” Take a look at a video that has been making its way around on Facebook, lighting up faces and reminding us just how precious the love between a father and daughter is.
BMWK — What do you think of this father’s speech? What do you want for your own child when he or she gets married?
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