You know when you’re at a social event…and a guy tries to talk to a girl. And it goes so horribly wrong that you have to turn your head and peek through your fingers just to watch. I hate those moments…when you bare witness to a man’s limp social-game. For all accounts, this dude is socially impotent.
Sometimes I feel just as bad as the dude experiencing this…soon to be…‘Vine Compilation Fail’ moment. That’s because I was that dude up to my early 20s. Of course I never would have admitted it then. But now, I realize I definitely was that dude. I didn’t know what to say to women or how to approach them. The stress was so intense just mustering up enough courage to ask for her number. So I sometimes relied on liquid-courage just to get my ‘game’ flowing.
Based on what I’m hearing from single women now-a-days, (grown men in their 20’s – 30’s being afraid to ask them out), I wasn’t the only one with low flow to my social-game. There were some other brothers out there who were socially impotent too. And there still are!
This problem definitely needs addressing.
A man’s social-game is directly related to his confidence. Real quick…confidence is one’s belief that the outcome is going to turnout as expected. So if a man approaches a woman with the intent of getting her number…depending on his belief in his social-game, he will range anywhere from a high degree to a low degree of confidence that he will end up with her number.
If he has a high degree of confidence, then he will likely step with reckless abandon. But if he has a low degree of confidence, then he likely won’t step at all. Or, if he was like me, he’ll supplement his confidence with some liquid courage before he steps to her. Either way, it’s his confidence in his social abilities that determines whether he will step to her or not.
Some may say that such a man is weak. But don’t be so quick to condemn him….as this is basic human behavior. You follow the same confidence-led behavior when it comes to applying for a job or buying a house. If you don’t expect that you’ll get the job or house, then you likely won’t apply.
So the issue is, how does a man build his confidence. In a previous article, I talked about how women can help a man gain more confidence. This time, I’m going to talk about 7 ways a man can build his confidence, and thus improve his social-game. For, a man’s confidence is like a social Cialis: it helps him be more confident in his ability to be ready any time the moment’s right.
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