Years ago, I went to a parenting conference. During one of the sessions, I remember a speaker sharing a personal story that ended with a major lesson she learned. She admitted that she was so focused on who her daughter wasn’t that she was missing out on embracing who her daughter was. That remark has stayed with me for years. It made me realize that despite our best … [Read more...]
When Just Being a Good Husband Isn’t Enough: 3 Steps to Becoming a More Confident Man and Better Spouse
Husbands, What if you don't believe in yourself? It's an issue every man has wrestles with at least once in his matter if he admits it or not. From the alpha-male, who beams with self-confidence, to the shy introvert, who fears confrontation. When the Struggle Gets Real During a Relationship Bootcamp, a couple was doing a very strenuous activity. They were at … [Read more...]
Take Our Checklist to See If You’re Really Truly Over Your EX
Your period of mourning your previous relationship has passed. So you're ready to start dating again and meet the person of your dreams. But are you really? Here are 15 ways to determine if you are really over your ex. The thoughts of your ex don't dominate you mind or conversation. You are no longer on an emotional roller coaster regarding your ex. Your mood swings … [Read more...]
New Year…New You…New Marriage: 5 Ways to Have it All in 2016
Show me a person with confidence issues and I’ll show you someone who probably wants to improve the relationships in his or her life. There is no question that low self-confidence has a negative impact on multiple areas of our lives. When you don’t feel good about who you are and where you are in life, it’s bound to place a sour note on the relationships that matter to you … [Read more...]
Top 5 TWA Style Videos Every Natural Should Watch
Many of our Butterflies have recently returned back to their natural hair and are ready to rock their Teeny Weeny Afros (TWA) with style. I always hear there are just not enough TWA style videos out there to keep our short hair sisters styling and profiling. Then it came to me, I needed to find the best of the best in TWA style videos. I'm talking about styling that is easy, … [Read more...]
How to Release Self-Doubt So You Can Live the Life that You Want
My mom always told me that I was a sensitive child. Being sensitive has its benefits: I am perceptive; I look for peace, not war; I try to live and let live. On the other hand, being a sensitive child that turned into a sensitive adult, I struggled with the fear of getting hurt and being rejected. For decades, I would avoid situations that would force me to grow because I … [Read more...]
4 Simple Ways to Say No to Others so You Can Say Yes to Yourself
I don't know about you, but saying no to people has always been a struggle for me, up until a couple of years ago. A couple of years ago, I decided that I was going to start taking better care of myself, and learn how to make myself a priority. Making myself a priority meant that I had to start learning how to say "no". It meant that I had to realize that other peoples' … [Read more...]
Social Impotence: 7 Confidence Builders for His Social-Game
You know when you’re at a social event…and a guy tries to talk to a girl. And it goes so horribly wrong that you have to turn your head and peek through your fingers just to watch. I hate those moments…when you bare witness to a man’s limp social-game. For all accounts, this dude is socially impotent. Sometimes I feel just as bad as the dude experiencing this…soon to … [Read more...]
Why Men Are Afraid to Ask You Out: 4 Things You Can Do About It
A single black woman that I’m friends with on Facebook posted an encounter she had with two separate men. It lit up a firestorm of men vs. women in the comments. Two men from her past, in two separate conversations, both claimed that they were interested in her and wanted to ask her out, “but she never gave them a chance." She frustratingly replied to both of them, “You never … [Read more...]
5 Tips on Looking Fabulous While You Workout
There is nothing cute about ratty sweats and two sizes too big tee shirts right? So why is this standard workout gear for so many of us? If one of the reasons we go to the gym is to look good in our clothes, why are we rollin' up on a workout looking schlumpy and frumpy? You know that feeling you get when you strut your stuff in your sexiest pumps or that pair of jeans that … [Read more...]
The Single Life: 3 Character Traits to Develop Before Marriage
If the desire of your heart is to be married, then being single is really the proving ground for “life after” singlehood. There are some character traits we can develop as singles that are necessary to being complete individuals by the time we walk down the aisle: Confidence As a relationship coach, I have worked with people who lack confidence issues. I think the key for … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Young Girl Bullied For Natural Hair – What’s Your Advice?
This is an older video, but it still shoots daggers into the heart of parents with "natural cuties" everywhere. I admit, I went natural three years ago because I wanted my daughter to have confidence in the curls that grow naturally from her head. But I realize it's not enough for her to simply to hear it from me, because sometimes you don't believe Mommy if everyone else … [Read more...]