Valentines is right around the corner, fellas. And if you want to knock the day outta the park, then it all starts with foreplay. Not that kinda foreplay...mental foreplay. Showing your wife not only that you're thinking about her throughout the day, but showing her how you truly feel. Shoot her these 13 simple messages to set a foundation of openness and romance for your … [Read more...]
True Love, Chocolate, and Jill Scott: 3 Perfect Ingredients for this Valentine’s Day
February is truly a celebratory month for me because two of my kids were born in February and then there's Valentine's Day. And although I am not one to go overboard by spending lots of money or planning super elaborate activities, I can appreciate these special times that are set aside to celebrate my loved ones. As a busy wife and mom of 4, special occasions give me reason … [Read more...]
One Way to Obtain Peace of Mind in Your Life This Year
I know, I know…you are already working diligently on your long to-do list and action steps to get you closer to your goals for 2017. I am so excited for you! I’m actually doing the exact same thing. However, you must add this very important thing to your 2017 goals list. That thing is counseling. Yes, you read that correctly, counseling. I know as the year begins, we see and … [Read more...]
Time Does Not Heal All Wounds…You Have To
“Time Heals all Wounds,” has got to be one of the most annoying sayings ever as far as I’m concerned. I’m not quite sure when it started, but it’s just not true. Although its origins are probably well intentioned, it really does set people up for a lifetime of pain and unresolved issues. If you are married or in a serious relationship, there is a chance you’ve been hurt … [Read more...]
‘Turn Up’ Time: 10 Things We Want the Obamas to Do After They Leave the White House
It is truly bitter sweet that the first black POTUS and his beautiful family are leaving the white house. We are sad that they are leaving. But at the same time, we we are truly happy that it was eight years well spent! We are so excited for them to be a part of the 'real world' again. They are leaving the ‘presidential life' behind and looking forward to all of the amazing … [Read more...]
How Can African American Males Overcome Thoughts of Failure and Succeed?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I am a 23-year old African American male and I have been searching for role models who can help me grow and succeed both personally and professionally. I am just starting my career as a computer programmer, but I am so discouraged. I am the only black male in the office and at times I question my abilities. I speak with my father occasionally, but he is a … [Read more...]
5 Easy Steps to Turn Your 2017 Vision into a Reality
"I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; and I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me, and how I may reply when I am reproved. Then the LORD answered me and said, "Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run." - Habakkuk 2: 1-2 We all have heard this preached time and again in church. We all get hyped up … [Read more...]
You, Me and He? 2 Reasons to Allow the Holy Spirit into Your Marriage
When you face marriage difficulties and you don’t know how to solve them or how you are going to get through them, you need assistance. You need someone to comfort you and guide you. That someone is the Holy Spirit, and He can help you through very difficult times in your marriage. Here’s how. Romans chapter 8, verses 26 to 27 say: In the same way, the Spirit helps us in … [Read more...]
National Believe Day: Here’s How to Make Sure Your Kids Love Giving More than Receiving This Holiday Season
I just love the holiday season and what it represents. I don’t know how it’s possible, but it literally invokes a warm feeling in my heart. But I didn’t always feel this way. I used to dread the holidays and had these feelings of anxiety and disdain for the so-called “most wonderful time of the year.” I just felt like people were focusing on all of the wrong things. But … [Read more...]
Why I Refuse to Let Guilt Tear Me Apart This Holiday Season
I had been living with a lot of guilt lately. It wasn't guilt because I personally did something wrong, but the guilt still robbed me of my joy and thanksgiving. Ironically, I had been feeling guilty for all the good things happening in my life recently. I wanted to rejoice that my parents and both my brothers along with their families would be with us at my brother's … [Read more...]
5 Great Ways to Celebrate the Holidays When You Are Dead Broke
It's November already. So if you haven't already started putting money aside for Christmas gifts, then your likelihood of balling out this holiday is looking pretty slim. And if that's the case, then now is a great time to talk about how to get through the holidays when you’re dead broke. Most of us are so used to spending money and buying loads of gifts that it seems … [Read more...]
10 Things I Learned About Marriage from Watching the Obamas
When I look at relationships that I aspire to resemble in my own marriage, I look no further than our President and First Lady. To me, the Obamas are the epitome of a healthy, loving, marriage. As President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle conclude their last days in office, I want to thank them for being a wonderful example of marriage. Here are ten lessons I learned … [Read more...]
The Freedom Awards: A Reminder Freedom Ain’t Free
[tps_header]What do Nelson Mandela, Oprah and Soledad O’Brien have in common? They’ve all received the Freedom Award from the National Civil Rights Museum (NCRM). The NCRM is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and thanks to African Pride, I was able to tour the museum, interview several of the awardees and attend the awards … [Read more...]
5 Comforting Tips for Women Whose Husbands Are Fat-Shaming Them
I spent a good part of my childhood hoping to lose weight. The only childhood memory I have of being thin is when I was about 4. Growing up in a home where rice, beans and fried plantains were staples was hard for a girl who loved food. Food served as my comfort for years. I have to admit that even though I am now a certified health coach, food still is my comfort. I’ve just … [Read more...]
A Man Reveals His Thoughts on What Makes a Woman Beautiful
“Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” This old adage is ever so true, yet somewhat oversimplified. What the eyes see as beautiful is often largely shaped by the culture in which they have been socialized. And with the socialized view of beauty, we are led to worship the shallowest semblance of beauty and shun any deviation from the mainstream’s preordained archetype. … [Read more...]