Are you free to love?
We all say we want successful relationships. However, some people carry so much emotional baggage that it hinders them from freely loving the people in their lives. Emotional baggage is a term used to describe unresolved emotional issues, which can be detrimental to the individual.
Relationships can be challenging enough without the added pressure of emotional baggage. Do you carry emotional baggage into your relationships? Here are the 3 most common types of emotional baggage which could be sabotaging your relationships:
Paranoia is a major saboteur. It is usually shown through fear, distrust and suspicion. Most often this emotional behavior occurs when someone has been in a relationship where betrayal and infidelity have taken place.
This behavior causes the trust within the relationship to be destroyed; and emotional wounds to be formed. If the wounds are not properly healed, mistrust, suspicion and fear can manifest in future relationships.
Overcoming paranoia isn’t easy, but click here to learn what one woman did!
Defensive Behavior
An individual displaying defensive behavior is usually overly cautious and very guarded. This emotional behavior is described as putting up a wall. Due to past hurts, disappointments or the fear there of, people put up walls to prevent themselves from being hurt.
Unfortunately, they don’t realize that the very wall they erect to protect themselves, is hindering them from fully participating and possibly enjoying their relationships.
Do you know what it means to walk in your spouse’s shoes? Click here to read about why this is so important in marriage.
Lack of Self-Worth
A lack of self-worth is usually displayed through feelings of poor self-image, little to no self-confidence and low self-esteem. This emotional behavior hinders individuals from progressing in their relationships as well as in life.
When a person has low self-worth, they don’t feel that they are worthy of being loved. This type of behavior forces a potential suitor to fight to love the individual and eventually becomes taxing and tiresome to the suitor.
Sadly, that weariness could force them to abandon the individual. The suitor’s abandonment feeds back into the individuals projected image of not worthy of being loved; pushing them back on the proverbial roller coaster of low self -worth.
If you’re not sure how to express your value and worth, click here to learn some tips.
The 3 types of emotional baggage listed are the most common behaviors, however there are many more.
Is your emotional baggage sabotaging your relationships?
If so, take time to address the issues at hand. No one is perfect. We all have issues that need to be addressed. Seek the necessary assistance to receive the healing that you need. You can’t love anyone else until you first love yourself.
BMWK, can you honestly say you are free to love?
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