Due to changes in the way the U.S. Department of Education evaluated the credit of parents applying for a federal PLUS loan many students are having to make significant changes while on their path to college graduation. Faced with having to change schools or even stay home, black students have been negatively impacted by these new polices which result in their parents no longer … [Read more...]
5 Skills Parents Can Teach Their Children to Start Preparing Them for College at an Early Age
I have been a higher education administrator for over a decade. In that time I have worked primarily with first year students, and I have done so in various capacities. I’ve done everything from planning concerts to providing academic advisement. I’ve worked for large schools and smaller ones, both private and state. I’ve interacted with students who are humbled by the … [Read more...]
HBCU Alumnae Hesitant to Recommend Black Institutes to Children
Last week, the Huffington Post released an article about young, successful Historically Black College and University graduates to look out for in 2013. Despite theses successes, some HBCU alumnae are hesitant to encourage others to attend. Dr. Jerainne Johnson-Heywood and Dr. Scherise Mitchell-Jordan both attended Morgan State University during the 90's. Even after … [Read more...]
Towson State Student Wants a White Student Union: Offensive or Justified?
Things are a little tense on the campus of Towson University in Maryland as a student, Matthew Heimback is interested in starting a new organization on campus: White Student Union. Heimback says that white students deserve a club meant exclusively for them, and defends his reasoning in the university newspaper. "We want to replicate what every student union does on campus," … [Read more...]
Losing Our Historically Black Colleges and Universities
"You can't continue to move forward unless you give back what you are given. It is our calling." These words were once spoken by Oprah Winfrey, who in 2003 stood at the center of a fundraiser for Bennett College during the "Revitalizing Bennett Campaign," which sought to raise $50 million for the school. There's has been word of Virginia HBCU, Saint Paul's College … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How To Make Sure Your College Investment Dollars Don’t Go To Waste
High school seniors and parents across the country are now anxiously trying to decide which school will get their hard earned money for the next four years. While most people place a great deal of emphasis on getting into college, fewer pay attention to what it takes to get out of school with a coveted degree in hand. There's nothing worse than college debt, except … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Three Ways For Your Child To Save Big On College Costs
Soaring college costs are enough to make any parent sweat, but there are savvy ways to cut costs. Here are three suggestions that will allow your child to save some serious money: Apply For The Absolute Best Job On Campus One of the most overlooked jobs on campus is also the most lucrative. Resident Advisor positions are golden tickets. Although I missed the RA bandwagon as … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Is The American Dream Dead?
Over the weekend I was moved by the following tweets of CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien: [blackbirdpie url="https://twitter.com/#!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568357031972864"] [blackbirdpie url="https://twitter.com/#!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568611152273410"] [blackbirdpie url="https://twitter.com/#!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568934499549184"] [blackbirdpie … [Read more...]
Monogamy In College? It Can Be Done
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard people say college isn't a suitable environment to maintain a relationship, I would probably be able to pay off my student loans. I used to think the same thing prior to meeting my boyfriend. Eventually, I found out it is indeed possible to maintain a steady monogamous relationship on a college campus. I have learned a lot from … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The 5 College Money Mistakes To Avoid
College application deadlines are fast approaching and soon parents and students will be making decisions that affect the rest of their lives. But this is also the period where parents should watch out for financial missteps that could cost them big bucks. Here are five financial mistakes parents with college bound students should avoid. Procrastinating in … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Is A College Education Worth It Any More?
They played by the rules. They studied hard and made the necessary sacrifices. But after four years of grueling work, today's college graduates face the bleakest job market in decades. To make matters worse, grads face unprecedented student loan debt with no means of even beginning to pay it back. It's easy to see why many graduates see college as a bad investment. The … [Read more...]
New High School Program Gives Kids The Real College Experience
How many high school students do you know that have meal plans, take classes with college professors and who will have enough credits to graduate with not only a diploma, but an associate's degree? A new high school pilot program will get off the ground this fall in Prince George's County, Maryland, and it promises to not only get kids ready for the rigors of collegiate … [Read more...]
11 Intelligent Ways To Save on Textbooks Without The Bookstore
Textbook prices tend to rise at four times the rate of inflation for an average of $900 per year. It doesn't take a college education to figure out there are alternatives to traditional outlets, but incoming freshmen don't always know the ropes. Here are 11 ways to save this fall -- none of which include shopping at the college bookstore. 1. Wait Until After You've Seen the … [Read more...]
An Unending Cycle: Poverty’s Unrelenting Grip
The other day my husband and I were talking about the many continuous cycles of life in the "˜hood. We both grew up there, so we've seen it occur firsthand. It doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to more than we'd like to say. Usually, if you're living somewhere in the "˜hood, you're not too well off financially. Maybe there are exceptions to the rule, but I've yet to … [Read more...]
Cornell University Fraternity Member Dies In Hazing Incident; Mom Sues For $25 Million
A Brooklyn mom has filed a $25 million lawsuit against a fraternity at Cornell University, after her son was allegedly kidnapped, drugged, and abandoned by his frat brothers. Marie Lourdes André says her son, George Desdunes, was already a full-fledged member of the fraternity at the time of the incident. The fraternity Desdunes was part of had previously been monitored by … [Read more...]