Dear Dr. Buckingham, I am reaching out to you because I am about to lose my 15-year marriage over Facebook. To make a long story short, my wife has turned into a Facebook Addict. She spends at least three to four hours a day on the damn intranet and does not tend to the kids or me. While our three kids work on their homework and I work around the house, she socializes on … [Read more...]
Are You Naughty or Nice, When You Don’t Get a Ring for Christmas?
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” rings the Christmas classic in malls. That’s the same song that goes off in my head when I log in to my social media accounts and see the abundance of engagement, wedding, and baby announcements and photos. If you’re single and childless, then yes, it’s maybe not so wonderful compared to everyone else. If you don’t see yourself … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Keep Social Media From Ruining Your Relationship
“SOCIAL MEDIA HAS RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP!”…Yes that’s the cry of many people today! But my retort is this: social media didn’t ruin your relationship he, she, or BOTH of you ruined your relationship. Okay lets back up and come to an agreement…social media is here and it probably isn’t going anywhere, thus we have to address this issue head on. It is definitely possible for … [Read more...]
Stop the Madness! 3 Ways that Facebook is Ruining Marriages
Every couple of months one of my married friends has a complete "breakdown" on Facebook and airs their marriage's "dirty laundry" for all of Facebook to see. The "dirty laundry" ranges from accusations of cheating, to calling out past mates or accusations of not being loving. But, the one thing that all of them have in common is that in their moment of weakness … [Read more...]