According to the Census Bureau, most Americans are marrying before they hit the 30 year mark. My husband and I got married when I was 24 and he was 27. Now, some 19 years later, I feel like we got married at a good age. We have both changed since then as individuals and as a couple. Well, I’ll say we have evolved as a couple. We have had time to really learn about ourselves … [Read more...]
Stop Trying to Change Me! 3 Seasons of Life Where You May Need to Change Yourself!
NO, your mate can’t change you but that doesn’t mean that you may not need to change some things. Okay let me back up for a second because I am a huge advocate of accepting someone as they are when going into a marriage or a relationship; but the truth of the matter is that there is no way to go through every season with someone before you decide to marry them. Sometimes in … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Reinvent Your Marriage Before You Grow Out of It
Every marriage needs to hit the reset button every 3-5 years. Why? Because people grow. And you encounter…what I call…the "new needs". Remember when you where 20 years old? Did you have the same social, physical, financial, or emotional needs as you did when you were 15? Probably not. As you grew up, some needs were satisfied, some changed, and some new ones emerged. The … [Read more...]
Everything Changed After My Husband Prayed This Prayer
No one ever told me how to be a wife. Of course I read a few books leading up to the wedding, and we attended marriage counseling, but how to actually BE a wife was never discussed. Obviously, I was encouraged to be supportive, willing to compromise, etc. But how do you BE a wife? I've been married for 5 months, and I believe the first 2 months I wondered if I was doing this … [Read more...]
Black Poetry Day: Image of Wings
Laying here thinking to myself, I'd rather be me than anyone else I'm running and crashing and trying to break free. I'm slipping and falling, what is wrong with me? My outward appearance seems to be the same. People still notice me and address me by my first name. But I, I, I am transforming inside of myself. I'd rather be me, more than anyone else. Fold me … [Read more...]
5 Ways My Marriage Has Grown Since Becoming a BMWK Writer
This week I crossed my one-year anniversary as a writer for BMWK. My first post, 7 Things I Want in My Marriage That My Parents Have After 48 Years, was published on July 24 last year. It immediately went viral, and ended up on basically every marriage site and social network on the planet! Well, not exactly... Truthfully the post did pretty well, and based on the … [Read more...]
What I Lost When I Got Married
As I was transporting my children to and from various appointments this week I reflected on the life I had before I found myself taking care of all these other people. I was in my late twenties when I said "I do" but before I walked down the aisle and shortly after, I recognized there were a couple of things I could no longer hold on to. First was my need to stay … [Read more...]