I know my husband loves me. If I weren’t sure about that, I never would have said, “I do.” He made his love for me clear long before our wedding day. And even though I am clear about how he feels, it’s still nice to hear it from time to time. A sweet reminder always makes me smile. But as nice as it is to hear, saying “I love you” can’t be the only way my husband expresses … [Read more...]
9 Insanely Simple Ways to Show Your Spouse Appreciation, How Many Do You Do?
One of the top complaints often heard from married couples is feeling underappreciated. When you put in a great deal of effort to meet the needs of your spouse, hurt feelings can develop if you feel like they don’t truly recognize and appreciate what you do. Having a successful marriage and family is hard work, and although most of us don’t need anything in return for all that … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Your Husband Doesn’t Help Out More
I think some men are great with offering their wives a suitable level of help and support with day-to-day responsibilities. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that many of the women I know could share a complaint or two (or three) about their husband just not helping out enough (I am definitely not trying to make men look bad, so stay with me here). So what’s going on? With … [Read more...]
My Idea of Sexy – My Husband
Just like any woman, I love eye candy. I love a clean shaven man with expensive smelling cologne, a nicely tailored suit and don't get me started on the shoes...Oh the shoes! I also have all the respect in the world for a nicely chiseled body with muscles, dips and rips everywhere. But I guess with maturity and of course, the love for my own husband, I realize that there's a … [Read more...]
How To Get Rid of the Honey-Do List and Keep It Gone
Someone I know, a man, recently told me me he believes something in women's DNA requires them to always have a man tasked. He went on to say if we aren't doing anything then either something is wrong or we must have forgotten to do something we were told to do. I should point out this man is divorced, but plenty of married men feel the same way. In spite of this, I accidentally … [Read more...]
When I WANT to Be Superwoman-4 Jobs I Must Do as a Wife!
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about three jobs that my husband HAS to do in our marriage. While these jobs may seem small, he is required to do them in rain, sleet, snow, natural disaster and quite possibly even when the world ia ending. While none of the jobs are "serious," they help make my life easier. And for that, I appreciate that he does them without much … [Read more...]
I Hired Help and I Don't Feel Guilty
Every year my husband and I host what we call our "Barbecue Extravaganza" where we invite our family and our closest, dearest friends. We both look forward to entertaining and celebrating the end of summer with the people we cherish. As you can imagine there is quite a bit of planning that goes into this event. We have to plan the menu, the activities and prepare our home for … [Read more...]
What Happens When Wives Go On Strike: The Experiment That Went Wrong!
As a mother of 3 and wife to 1, I do it all. I wash (and fold) multiple loads of laundry every day, I wipe snotty noses all day long, I referee fights, I pay bills, I negotiate contracts, I register the kids to school, I coordinate multiple doctor's appointments and I even act as a consultant when a family disagreement comes about. I literally do it all--and many times … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Are Insane Job Demands Wrecking Havoc With Your Home Life?
In the most recent issue of Time magazine, reporter Ruth Konigsberg writes: "If there was one time in my marriage when life felt the most unfair, it was during the witching hour. When our children were young and I was working from home, I would relieve our babysitter at 5 p.m. and start to feed and bathe our 3-year-old and 6-month-old and begin various pre-bedtime rituals. … [Read more...]