You might be thinking your spouse doesn’t like being questioned. The truth is, not very many of us do. Each individual has their own communication style, including the way they listen, respond and process information. The majority of us have trouble processing information that arrives via nagging, negative energy or even too many questions. 10 Very Specific Questions to Ask … [Read more...]
3 Marriage Hacks That Will Instantly Improve Your Relationship
I’ve been married for almost 9 years to a man I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. What we have isn’t perfect but it works. It’s perfect for us. We’ve faced ups and downs, but we have always done our best to maintain a healthy, happy marriage. We figure if we consistently take small steps to make this thing work, we can avoid the need to take major steps one … [Read more...]
I Wanted a Happy Marriage… And Here Are 7 Things I Did to Get It
After 17 years I still remember shopping for my wedding dress and finally selecting the one that nearly brought tears to my eyes. My wedding day had been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. While I envisioned the details of the wedding, I had no idea what type of wife I should be. I didn't have many examples around me when I was coming up, so I had to wing it. What I … [Read more...]
5 Types of Couples You and Your Spouse Don’t Ever Want to Become
My goals for my marriage are pretty simple. I want a home where love and peace are overflowing and I desire a marriage built on love, trust, honor, and commitment. In order for each of those ideals to exist, I have to check my attitude, make sacrifices, and practice effective communication. In knowing what I want for marriage, I must also be aware of what I don’t … [Read more...]
The 4 Phases of Marriage No One Tells You About: Which One Are You In?
There are several things I remember about my journey toward marriage. I can recall being proposed to, selecting my wedding party, and my actual wedding day and night. During that time I never thought about how disagreements would go, or what my husband and I would be like together years from that moment. I didn’t know how a marriage changes over the years as a result of life … [Read more...]
9 Things You Probably Have Never Thought to Thank Your Spouse For
As I was spending my morning meditation and prayer thanking God, it dawned on me how grateful I am for my family, my husband in particular. He has been supportive, honest, faithful and loving. It’s natural for me to thank my husband for the everyday stuff and being a good spouse in general, but sometimes we have to thank our partners for the things we take for … [Read more...]
5 Best Practices for Beating the Marriage Blues
Into every life a little rain must fall. We know life continues to bring a series of ups and downs. We’re often in and out of our season. It’s a reality we all must be willing to accept. Marriage isn’t any different. There will be excellent days. You know the ones where your spouse can do no wrong and you are just really feeling him/her. Then there will be those moments where … [Read more...]
Top 5 Reasons You Should No Longer Use for Staying Married
Whenever I coach a couple and one of the partners is constantly complaining about what the other is doing wrong, I always ask, “Why do you stay in this relationship?” The answer that usually follows the shock of that question is, “Well, I do love him.” Of course love has to be present in order for a relationship to survive. Love is the minimum requirement. In some cases, … [Read more...]
3 Personal Beliefs that Could Be Harming Your Marriage
Did you know your personal values, ideals and goals significantly contribute to the behaviors you display in your relationship? Unfortunately not all of them are suitable for a marriage. We aren’t usually intentional or even mindful of the language, emotions and actions we use daily or where they originate. As one would assume, who we are, as an adult. is the aftereffect of how … [Read more...]
My Marriage Will End in Divorce
"Your marriage will probably end in divorce." I recently received this news following a divorce probability calculator quiz I participated in. But allow me to explain. I recently heard the term “marriage insurance” from my husband, after he'd heard it on a radio show. My curiosity got the best of me, so I had to do some research on the topic. The first site I came across not … [Read more...]
5 Healthy Rituals For a Better Marriage
Habits are usually tough to break. We’ve displayed them for so long they begin to feel natural and commonplace. Those around us come to expect certain behaviors from us. Habits can be either good or bad; some gross and some giving and generous. We can do our best to break the bad ones, but the good ones we may just want to hold on to. Especially when they benefit someone other … [Read more...]