I usually receive really honest feedback from the articles I write for BMWK. I respond whenever I receive one of those “how can this help me now” comments from someone who thinks divorce is their only choice. When your marriage is in trouble, divorce is the nuclear option but there are many questions that should be asked before you hit that button. Ask these 20 Questions When … [Read more...]
Is Your Marriage Holding On by a Thread? Advice for Couples Survival Mode
One of my greatest passions is helping couples. I listened to God’s calling on my life nearly 10 years ago when He guided me into becoming a certified life and relationship coach. Since then, relationships and marriages have been my business. Everyone who knows me, knows how much I love the idea of love and how fascinated I am about making it work. This is the reason it … [Read more...]
The 4 Phases of Marriage No One Tells You About: Which One Are You In?
There are several things I remember about my journey toward marriage. I can recall being proposed to, selecting my wedding party, and my actual wedding day and night. During that time I never thought about how disagreements would go, or what my husband and I would be like together years from that moment. I didn’t know how a marriage changes over the years as a result of life … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Couples Divorce and How You Can Protect Your Marriage
It breaks my heart whenever I witness or hear about a couple experiencing turmoil. My primary focus as a relationship professional is to reach couples before they arrive at the decision to separate. I have a friend who often jokes that my work should only focus on those couples who are happy in love because they actually still care about their relationship and are willing to do … [Read more...]