I know that the title of this article might seem a bit odd. By inference, isn't a Godly marriage supposed to be strong? I mean, is there such a thing as a weak, Godly marriage? The best way I can think to answer that question is this. So many times, we try to be "Godly" without "God." We find ways to make up our own rules but, to be safe, we make sure they have an appearance of … [Read more...]
4 Strategies to Help Husbands and Wives Submit to One Another
Submitting to one another is something you do for each other. It is something you do for the betterment and success of your marriage. It is something you do that will help to set a standard for generations to come. Your marriage will benefit, as will the future marriages of your children and their children after them. You have the opportunity to create legacy in your marriage; … [Read more...]
The One Word That Many Wives Absolutely Hate in Their Marriages
Some women cringe whenever they hear the word submit. The dictionary definition of submit is give over or yield to the power or authority of another. That definition would make most women stop in their tracks. Who really wants to give someone else power over them? Not very many. It's a heavy word that has caused friction in marriages for many years. Power, in most … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Help Your Husband Lead When He Struggles
In most Christian marriages, the husband adopts the role as head of household and leading his family is the accepted convention. The wife submitting to that leadership and fully supporting her man serves to further strengthen the family. But what happens when that husband struggles with his role? How does the family function when his thoughts, attitude and behaviors don’t … [Read more...]
Should Wives Submit to Husbands or Should Spouses Submit to Each Other? Here’s the Answer
I was watching Preachers of Detroit, a show about six preachers in Detroit and their families. On episode 3, the wives and daughters of the pastors, Bishop Corletta Vaughn, and famous gospel singer/evangelist Dorinda Clark Cole were eating lunch at a restaurant. A ladies pow-wow of sorts. The subject came up of women in ministry. Bishop Vaughn and Dorinda were exchanging … [Read more...]
The Married Woman’s Struggle with Submission
I recall crafting an article a few years ago which focused on marriage, wives and submission. The title was “When He Can’t Lead”. What I remember most was the reaction from so many women who struggled with the idea of having leading and husband in the same sentence. There were nearly 80 comments and the majority were from women questioning why men were automatically assumed as … [Read more...]
When He Can’t Lead
By Tiya Cunningham-Sumter Over the years I have heard wives express concern for their husband's leadership skills. They will often admit they allow their better halves to take the lead and he just won't step up to take the wheel. Of course it causes certain frustrations and results in the wife pulling back her willingness to allow her husband to lead. I have found that … [Read more...]