Growing up, I wasn't exactly what you would call...a planner. I mean, you hear about people who have their lives planned down to the casket. Me, not so much. And, when it came to getting married, that attitude prevailed. So, when 30 came and went, I can't say I was thrilled about being single. In fact, I started to get a bit antsy. And then, I made a spiritual decision that … [Read more...]
5 Terrifying Signs You Are in the Wrong Relationship
Have you ever had a friend who seems to be in love with the idea of being in love (but not so much with the actual person she is dating)? Are you that friend? So what’s the problem with that? Well, when you're more in love with the idea of a relationship than the actual person you are in a relationship with, then you're in store for a host of problems. When you finally … [Read more...]
Ladies, If He Doesn’t Pass This 9-Question Test, You Can’t Claim He’s “The One”
Once you think you’ve found “the one,” you feel like you are on cloud nine. Knowing that you’ve met the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is amazing! You know how people always say, “I just knew,” when it comes to figuring out if someone is “the one.” Well I think there is some truth to that, but it’s actually a little more involved. I think the man you’re … [Read more...]
6 Character Flaws That Should Make You Question if You Are with the Right Man
I think I get on my husband’s nerves sometimes. You know what else? He gets on mine, too. The truth is we are all flawed. There is no perfect person or perfect marriage. We all make mistakes, we all have bad habits, and we all have moments where we could (and should) do better. Yet, despite these realities, some flaws should never be ignored. I believe that a few annoying … [Read more...]
6 Really Bad Reasons to Get Married
I’ve been in several conversations with friends and family about why some marriages end in divorce while others seem to stand the test of time. At some point, during those conversations there is always a discussion about people getting married for the wrong reasons, ultimately increasing their odds of having a failed marriage. So why did I get married? I got married … [Read more...]
4 Tough Questions About Soul Mates You Should Be Asking
Do you believe in soul mates? I do. I always have. I’m not sure why because I definitely didn't grow up feeling like my parents were soul mates, and I can’t remember seeing many healthy relationships when I was younger. But something in me has always believed that the idea of a soul mate has to be something real. I have never wavered from that belief. And although I have … [Read more...]
8 Signs That You Married The Right Guy
The decision to get married is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. And, of course, it’s not just about choosing marriage, but rather who you choose to marry. I think when people marry the wrong person, they often know right away. The truth is, many of them knew before the actual wedding day but they ignored the red flags and went through with the marriage … [Read more...]
5 Signs that Maybe It’s Time to Break Up
As human beings, we tend to hold on to what’s familiar and comfortable, even when it is hurting us. We know it’s not the right thing to do, but we also know that it can often feel like the easiest thing to do. And unfortunately, we too often let easy trump what best in our lives. We always hear people say that relationships are hard work (I know I’ve said it many times … [Read more...]
7 Things that Matter Even More than Love
When it comes to building a lasting relationship, of course love matters—a lot. But is love the only thing that matters? I don’t see how it can be. It seems to me that love is just a piece of the puzzle. If you think you are going to build a relationship that stands the test of time on love and love alone, you’ve got another thing coming. It’s just not that simple. I’m sure … [Read more...]
Finding Mrs. Right: 6 Signs She May Be the One for You
We've previously discussed The 6 Signs You Have Found "Mr. Right", and now we will discuss the flip-side. There are a lot of good women in this world. Yet, it still isn't always easy to know when you have met the one you can truly spend your life with. You have to take your time to properly evaluate her and to discover if a true connection exist. You already know what you like … [Read more...]
How to Clear the Clutter and Be Intentional in Your Single Season
By Dana Michel, It was nearly impossible to escape the inevitable questions, “When are you getting married?” or the killer statement “I just don’t understand why you are still single.” The sanest person would question themselves and become defensive in the same situation. And, then there is the look that says you must be too picky! Take a deep breath and remember that … [Read more...]
“She Who Dateth, Findeth!” Don’t Give Up on Dating!
"What's the number #1 reason why women are single?" she asked me. Without hesitation I said, "Women aren't dating enough OR they're dating the wrong types of men." Honey, if you could've seen the look on her face! She looked like she wanted to clutch her pearls because I'd said something so outrageous. For the next few minutes she grilled me with that "nice-nasty" tone you … [Read more...]
What Should You Do About Marital Doubts?
I always wanted to get married. When I was a child I would look through wedding magazines my mom brought home from her job (she worked in a hotel). I would flip through those magazines imagining what my dress would look like, what colors I would choose, and how many bridesmaids I would have. I also pictured marrying this great guy and having four kids. Yes, marriage has been … [Read more...]
8 Reasons Why Your Man May be Mr. Wrong
For some people, finding the right mate just happens. They weren’t looking for it, but somehow they were in the right place at the right time, they dated, and love blossomed. Sure, developing a strong foundation may not have been easy, but finding each other wasn’t all that hard. It simply just happened. That isn’t always the case though. Some people find themselves ready … [Read more...]
17 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Her Man Before She Marries Him
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post titled “17 Questions Every Woman Should Ask Herself Before She Gets Married." I wrote that post first because I firmly believe that before we commit ourselves to anyone, we really have to know who we are and what our issues are. Often times, we place all the focus on knowing our partner, and while that is incredibly important, it won’t do … [Read more...]