Somewhere in society it has been taught that once you get married you cease to exist as a person. You are one body and that is it. I tend to disagree with this thought process. Yes, you are one unit. Husband and wife have become one. However, it does not mean that you cease to exist as individuals.
Each of you has been given a unique purpose that compliments one another. Together you will fill the master plan for your lives as a family unit. With that being said if each individual does not continue to grow as a person the unit will fall short.
There are great reasons to continue to grow as individuals so that, as a unit, you are much better together. Here are 3 of those reasons:
As a man or woman you have been given a purpose and assignment for your life.
In order to fulfill that assignment you must continue to learn and grow. To sit still and become stagnant because you are married cuts off your potential. When both man and woman continue to grow through the years, imagine what you can accomplish together as a couple. Your family unit is stronger. Your children learn from the great example you set before them.
You were a man first. A woman first.
Then you became husband or wife; mommy or daddy. When another role is added to your life it doesn’t mean you have given up on the person who is you. You have added to your being, not taken away from it.
For example – A woman should not lose herself in her children to the point that when they are grown and on their own Mom is lost. If Mom continues to pour into herself as she is raising her children, when they are grown she will shift roles and keep it moving. She will go through a period of transition but she won’t be lost.
Being a mother is a fabulous fantastic position. Yet, as a mommy and wife, a woman cannot forget she is a woman who must also be taken care of. When you are the best woman or man you can be, it aides in you being the best spouse and parent you can be. Remember you are on the same team.
Your soul will become empty if you don’t.
You mind, intellect, will and emotions need to be stimulated. They need to stretch. Your cup needs to remain full. If not what do you have to give? Keep your cup full by growing and pouring into you. It is not selfish to pour into you. It is not greedy to allow others to pour into you. Learn to become a receiver and a giver. Many of us are good at giving but not quite as good at receiving and allowing others to pour into us.
When your cup is full you can pour into someone else. However, if you keep pouring and pouring without refilling and refreshing you become depleted. I’ve heard woman and men say, “I just lost myself.” What they mean is they have become depleted.
Don’t lose yourself. Keep a check on where you are within the big picture of your life. Continue to feed your spirit and soul. Without a time of refreshing where you are built up, you won’t have much to give. Continue to grow as a person and you will be a better couple because of it. Come into agreement you will grow together.
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