Have you ever had anyone tell you to give your children back to the Lord when you give birth? I don’t know if that is something that just black families do or if it’s a religious thing, but I gave my kids to the Lord when they were born. I really did not know what that meant. I just thought it was something like a christening without the water. I would learn many years later … [Read more...]
Marriage is for Grown-Ups. 5 Childish Behaviors You Should Stop Now
There will come a time in your marriage when you will find some behaviors unnecessary and maybe even a little crazy. For me personally, my husband and I are at the point where we refuse to argue over small stuff. We’ve reached the place in our marriage where we know how to avoid an argument because, well, we just don’t feel like arguing and would rather use that time for … [Read more...]
The No. 1 Thing You Need to Do When Your Marriage is in Trouble
Yes, you will go through trials and tribulations in your marriage. Any time two people live together, conflict will occur. So what are you to do when trouble doesn’t just causally knock on your door but barges in like a SWAT Team? Simple, you wait. So you’ve talked to your spouse about the situation, and nothing seems to be happening. No change. It’s as if you never … [Read more...]
Married Folks Wake Up: 6 Seemingly Harmless Things that Could Ruin Your Marriage
Trouble comes in marriage, there is no escaping it. However, some things can be prevented if you safeguard your marriage by keeping the windows and doors of your relationship closed. Do not allow anyone or anything sneak in because if you do, they will rob you of your trust towards each other, love towards one another and your overall peace of mind. How can you do … [Read more...]
Husbands: 10 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Get for Your Wife on Valentine’s Day
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, some of you guys are probably wondering what gift to buy you wife. I polled some of the ladies and below is a list of things they do NOT want to receive. If you have already bought any of these items, please return them ASAP. Any appliance. Do not come home with anything she can clean or cook with. Flowers. Plastic or real. No roses, … [Read more...]
How to Make Sure Your Marriage is Built on the Right Foundation
Do you remember the story of the three little pigs and the wolf? The first two pigs built their houses with straw and sticks quickly then partied because they were lazy. The third pig worked hard to build his house with bricks. The wolf watched as the first two pigs sang and danced and commented that they were easy prey so he went to the first house of straw and blew it … [Read more...]
12 Scriptures Every Christian Couple Should Have in Their Marriage Toolbox
With a new year ahead of us, I think it’s a good idea to resolve to get more of the Word while strengthening our marriages. I believe the following scriptures will help whenever an issue comes up or if you just need encouragement. I recommend meditating on one monthly, in any order. When you don’t know what to do about your situation. Hebrews 4:16 "Let us therefore come … [Read more...]
Singles: Here Are the Top 5 Advantages of Flying Solo for the Holidays
Some people think being single during the holidays is depressing. Many may feel lonely or left out because they don’t have a significant other at their side. Well I am here to tell you that just because you are single does not mean you are at a disadvantage. In fact, you have the advantage of being unattached during the holidays. I’ve listed my top 5 advantages … [Read more...]
Men: 6 Things About Sex, Marriage, and Dating You Would Know If You Thought Like Women
When it comes to relationships, some men often wonder what their wives or girlfriends think about, what they want, what they like, how they can please them, etc. etc. So, after hearing all that and listening to them complain that women are complicated and hard to understand, I began to wonder what men would know if they acted like men but thought like women. So I, along with … [Read more...]
Bragging Time! 6 Reasons My Husband is the Bestest and Why I Should Tell Him Every Day
I’ve written many articles on how to handle trouble in your marriage, how to survive being married, and what the Bible says about marriage - so now I just want to use this article to brag on my husband. Many times we don’t take the time to just be thankful for our spouses or tell them how much we appreciate them. So I will share 6 reasons why my husband is the bestest (yes, … [Read more...]
3 No-Nonsense Reasons You Shouldn’t Compare Your Spouse to Your Parent
Have you heard the saying that boys tend to marry someone like their moms and girls look for men like their father’s? In a way it’s true, we may subconsciously look for someone who shares some of the same qualities as our parents. You may have married someone who has qualities like your parent, but if they do not, please don’t compare them to your parent. It is dangerous to … [Read more...]
So Your Spouse Doesn’t Go to Church? Here Are 4 Godly Ways to Practice Your True Religion
1 Peter 3:1-2- Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your virtuous conduct accompanied by fear. Do you have a spouse that doesn’t go to church or isn’t in the word of God? Is it frustrating? Do you constantly ask him/her to go to … [Read more...]
Heaven Sent or Hell Bound: Husbands What Kind of Leader are You?
To lead means to guide, go in front of, and show the way. Ephesians 5:23 says: for the husband is the head of the wife; as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. So husbands, it is your duty to lead your wife and family. Where you lead not only impacts your marriage but will have an effect on your children. They have no choice but to be led … [Read more...]
9 Reasons to Stop Listening to Your Friends Regarding Your Marriage
Ladies, stop listening to your friends! It’s tempting to want to talk to your girlfriends when you are having marital problems. But be careful. Your friends don’t always have your best interests at heart. Below are 9 reasons to stop listen to your friends regarding your marriage. They don’t know the whole story, just your version. They can only give you an opinion based … [Read more...]
The 3 Harmful Insecurities That May Be Killing Your Marriage
Insecurities can develop in different ways. Something in the past could trigger it, or a life event such as a job lay off or having kids could implant it. It is normal to have insecurities about some things but be careful to not let them harm your marriage. Insecurities can cause you to mistrust your spouse because you feel you are not worthy of him/her. Some reasons could … [Read more...]