You may have been single for a long time and have gotten used to a routine where you are doing the things you need to do or want to do on your own schedule without a thought. Yet, during all that time you wondered when would you become involved in a relationship? You have imagined it, dreamed about it (and even prayed about it) and now the time is here! Aside from the … [Read more...]
6 Examples to Pursue Your Passion & Find Your Partner
I have heard many times that singles need to be confident, have some level of success, be emotionally stable, etc. and they will attract Mr. Right or Mrs. Right. I definitely agree with those assessments, but one thing I've observed more than a few times is when someone demonstrates a passion for life or is living out their purpose, Mr. Right or Mrs. Right many times will … [Read more...]
Are Single Men Intimidated by Successful, Strong Single Women?
I post relationship questions on Facebook often for my followers and friends to share their opinions and foster healthy dialogue. One question that has come up in one form or another is this: Are single men intimidated by successful and strong single women? From personal experience, men have shown their attraction to me (the flirty looks and hilarious ways to start … [Read more...]
Black Poetry Day: Life
Migration move. New country. New environment. New friends. New school. Family reunited. One dies. Family disintegration. Many heartbroken. High-school graduation. College-bound. Work-study. Study, Work. Loans, Grants. College Graduation. Look for work. Find work. Basic work. Pay … [Read more...]
A Teenagers’ Loss: The Effect that Breast Cancer had on My Family
I was about 15 years old when I overheard a very strange conversation between my mother and my grandmother over the phone. My parents had relocated to the United States and were preparing to reunite me, my sisters and my grandmother with them after I graduated from high school in Jamaica. As they talked, I became intrigued. After they hung up, I cautiously asked Grandma what … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Prepare You to Pursue Your God-Ordained Purpose
Many of us have thought of this question at some point: "Why am I here?" This question has fueled many of us to go back to school, change jobs, identify our gifts and talents and find ways to use them often, and so on. Even as we do all of these things (which are all good), we need to seek our answer primarily from our Creator and Sustainer, God. Just like an auto manufacturer … [Read more...]
How I’m Preparing My African American Son to Live in Today’s Society
I have followed commentary on the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson MO. I watched the video when his mom met Trayvon Martin's and Sean Bell's moms and I saw how overwhelmed she was with grief. I saw the photo of the agonized grieving father at his son's graveside. After viewing the images, listening to commentary and reflecting on what I had seen and heard, I became concerned … [Read more...]
Know the Signs: 3 Ways African Americans Can Show Symptoms of Depression
We recently lost one of the most-loved actors and comedians, Robin Williams. The news confirmed that he died of asphyxiation (via suicide) due to severe depression. Many were surprised that the man who made so many laugh for about 40 years was dying inside. I've learned over the years that many who make others laugh are hurting inside. As I thought about Robin's illness, … [Read more...]
5 Keys for Effective Communication while Dating
Recently I hosted a Panel Discussion during our 2nd Annual Singles Conference at my church. The panelists were all single and leaders in ministry. As the conversation became animated and intense, I realized that we hit on a key point: that of miscommunication between men and women while dating. Dating is very ambiguious in today's society, so it means different things to … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Confirm that You are in an Exclusive Relationship
With so many people hooking up nowadays, including the "friends with benefits" scenario, many are not sure if they are in a relationship or in a "situationship", a word I saw recently on social media. Relationships are sometimes treated like clothing; some change them almost daily. Then there are others who don't mind sharing in intimate relationships with multiple partners, … [Read more...]
4 Reasons a Divorcee Can Still Give Good Relationship Advice
I've often heard that divorced people are not qualified to give relationship advice. As a divorced mother, I disagree, and here are my reasons why: 1. I want to help someone else. As a single-again lady, I have learned immense lessons that I believe can help others. Thoughts on how to choose a spouse, what are red flags in relationships, and the topic of decision-making … [Read more...]
9 Things to Think About Before Remarrying an Ex-Spouse
I am a divorcee with one son. I have been asked by people close to the situation if I would consider remarriage. It is an interesting question, especially since our son is growing up and needs the continual influence of positive males in his life, with his father leading the list. For those who may be seriously considering the possibility of reuniting with your former spouse, … [Read more...]
Five Ways to Live a Full Life While Single
As singles, we typically have more time to pursue some of life's adventures than many of our married friends or relatives. Yet, so many of us have fallen into the rut of "work, home, work, home" and we seem to have no time for anything else! With time (and for many of us, money) on our hands, why not consider some of these alternatives to working all the time? 1. … [Read more...]
Are You Really Satisfied with Singleness – True or False?
Many of us who are single are quick to state that we are "not looking" or we are "happy" as singles. Is that really 100% true? Or are we sharing the strong, politically correct answer for all to hear? I currently lead my church's singles ministry. As I lead, I have made it my mantra to share with our singles how we can live productive, active lives and make progress in all … [Read more...]
My Co-Parenting Journey; Raising a Son When Dad Isn’t There
I am a divorcee and my son lives with me. Thankfully, Dad has been very involved in raising him over the years. I shared some of our marital journey and ultimately the end of our marriage my first book "It's My Life and I Live Here: One Woman's Story". Our son is now a pre-teen, and so the challenges have become more interesting. What has reassured me is the fact that I know … [Read more...]