Often times marriage prep would require you to do some kind of soul searching or learning from your elders, who have been married for a long time. But I've come to find out that those are not the only ways. I had no idea that in just a short amount of time I’d be learning about marriage by living with my younger sister. I thought I had it figured out for the most part in … [Read more...]
Should Christian Singles Try Speed Dating? My Raw and Real Experience with the Trend
Ever been speed dating? Before I turned 30, I wanted to give speed dating a try. Movies like Hitch to 40 Year Old Virgin, which featured speed dating scenes, left me curious. As a busy woman, the idea seemed alluring, but I wondered how can people go on speed dates and honestly establish a legitimate connection. If you're curious too but have always wanted to try it, don't … [Read more...]
Singles, Before You Give Up on Getting Married, Read This
“I know You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted.” Job 42:1 “If I don’t get married by age X, I’m just not going to get married.” Have you ever said this yourself? I understand, it’s challenging to wait for the right person to come into your life, especially when you've past the ideal age you wanted to marry. You've read the statistics about the ideal time to … [Read more...]
When an Ex Moves On, Do You Mope? NO. Here Are 3 Reasons to Rejoice
We might not ever admit it, but we all secretly hope to find a new romance before our exes do. But what happens when your ex has moved on—or even worse, got married— before you? It's a strange feeling, right? We see this often from the celebrity tabloids to the social media status updates. It's all juicy entertainment until it happens to you. And I’m not talking about your … [Read more...]
Dear God: About This “Delay” Thing…
The thought of being delayed for a blessing seems to be frustrating, unnerving and a host of other feelings. We hear that “delayed but not denied” is a good thing, but that delay though? How long will it be, Lord? Why is there a delay in the first place? I encourage you to think about the delay to what God has for you as a blessing and to be thankful. If you know that God … [Read more...]
How One Date Showed Me I Really Wasn’t Ready to Date Again
Have you ever prayed for something to happen and didn’t expect it to be answered so quickly? Many times God gives us exactly what we ask for…to teach us something. I remember praying to God to go on a date, and He answered my prayer pretty much immediately. It was a casual prayer, a quick conversation with the Lord to let Him know how I was feeling and before I knew it, I was … [Read more...]
He Tried It. Another Friend Told Me I’ll Stay Single. But Here’s What I Said
God challenged me recently. One evening a male friend and I talked about being single, and he said to me that he was concerned that I would still be single at 35. (I'm 29 now, so was he able to see that far in the future, huh?) The first thing I thought was: what is wrong with being single at 35 and why was I initially so defensive about it? Secondly, what would cause someone … [Read more...]
3 Signs You’re Dating a Dream Killer
I was watching a performance of the musical “Dreamgirls” recently, and it brought up an important theme about not giving up on your dreams. Whether you have a dream, vision or just trying to find one, you have to remember how important it is to have someone in your life that will support and encourage your dream. That's why as singles you have every right to be selective about … [Read more...]
Singles: 5 Ways to Tell If You Have a “Grown” or Mature Mindset in Relationships
I'll admit that sometimes being “grown” or of age to do certain things in life, doesn't mean you're mature enough to handle them. Case in point: romantic relationships are not for people who just say they're grown but for those who carry a mindset that reflects growth and maturity. Which side are you on when it comes to relationships? These five ways will give you a … [Read more...]
Don’t Give Up nor Give It Up. 3 Dating Ideas for Celibate Singles
If you have recently committed your single journey to living a life of sexual purity or celibacy, I want to welcome you to the club! There are a number of people who are currently practicing celibacy, including celebrities like Super Bowl quarterback Russell Wilson and artist Ciara, who recently got engaged. I say, kudos to Ciara and Wilson for committing to keep their goodies … [Read more...]
Single Ladies: 3 Signs You’re Too Hard on Men
Ladies, has anyone ever told you that you may be too picky when it comes to men? How about over critical or hard on the guys who try to get to know you better? I have. But instead of taking offense, I saw it as an opportunity to evaluate my actions toward guys and extend a little more grace. But how can you balance both grace and discernment? For help on finding that … [Read more...]
Singles: 4 Reasons Why You Need to Travel More Before You Get Married
Becoming a wife or a husband is a process and that involves getting to know yourself, your wants and what you personally will contribute to your relationship. So, singles should find every opportunity to grow themselves as individuals. While there are a number of ways to work on you, one of my favorites is through traveling. Over the past several years of traveling for both … [Read more...]
Singles: 4 Reasons to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone to Achieve Better Relationships
As scary as it might be for some of you, there are going to be moments in your single season when you’re going to have to get uncomfortable. Last year, I put a quote on my vision board about living outside of your comfort zone. It held me accountable to something that I knew deep down in my heart that I wanted and needed in order to become what God had created me to be, and … [Read more...]
Brandy Made an Announcement About Her Love Life and We All Need to Respect It
Singer and actress Brandy shared with the all-female hosted talk show “The Real” that when it comes to marriage, she’s singing a different tune: “I’m satisfied living by myself.” Often times we hear that it’s the point when you’re at peace and comfortable being on your own that you meet someone special and get married. But Brandy is taking this time in her single season to … [Read more...]
Singles: 3 Actions that Will Guarantee More Positive and Loving Relationships in 2016
If you’re like me, you’ve seen more than your fair share of social media posts and statements about what people plan to do more or less in 2016. One of the posts that stood out to me from among the norm was: “Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.” Disrespecting each other on the daily in media and real life, taking large strides away from the relationship we … [Read more...]