The word foreplay typically conjures up images of lovers passionately kissing and embracing each other in a dark room softly illuminated by candles, with romantic music playing in the background. However, foreplay can take on many forms outside of the bedroom. In fact foreplay can happen anytime and anywhere. It should not be limited to the bedroom and only serve as the … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Obamas Dance and Share a Kiss at the Inaugural Ball
There’s something about The President and The First Lady. Their presence has an ability to light up a room, their public displays of affection tugging on the heartstrings of those who watch. Whether we sit in the comforts of our own homes watching them on the television screen, read about them online, or we somehow find ourselves in the same room that they are in, we can’t … [Read more...]
Keep Calm and Love Affectionately: Kids Need to See Affection
"Don't worry that your children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you". ~ Robert Fulghum Truer words have never been spoken. Just last week, my husband called home. We were running around, so I put him on speakerphone. As I was rushing our kindergartener out the door to catch the bus, she briefly spoke to him and ended the conversation with her usual: "I … [Read more...]
They Like to Watch: How Public Displays of Affection Affect Our Children
By Dr. Michelle T. Johnson I was cooking dinner. Our 5-year-old daughter was washing dishes. My husband had just come home from work and had made his way into the kitchen to be with "his ladies." Before I could finish plating dinner, hubby had is arms wrapped tightly around my waist and was planting a tender kiss on my lips. Those spontaneous displays of affection always make … [Read more...]
“PDAâ€- How Much Is Too Much In Front Of Children?
By Tiya Cunningham-Sumter Recently an interesting conversation started during a diversity training event on the amount and type of affection, by couples, displayed in front of children. One of the participants voiced a strong concern relating to same-sex couples living in her neighborhood. She strongly believed that everyone should live the life they choose. However. she … [Read more...]