Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. So it's time for the juice. Our husbands and wives hold nothing back when dishing on what makes the love jones come down in their house, or park, or wherever they happen to be when the mood strikes. … [Read more...]
9 Things Single Christians Wish You Knew About Love, Sex, and Dating
By: Chevonne Harris - Jet Finding love ain’t no crystal stair. In fact, for many of us, it’s a stack of cracked milk crates leading to late nights at the office, Saturday night twist set tutorials and the always heartwarming text, “wat r u wearing?” Naturally, you would think with God on our side, finding “bae” would be pretty simple, but dating while Christian often … [Read more...]
25 Wives Share the One Thing Their Husbands Do that Turns Them On the Most
Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. Jumping things off in our series, husbands and wives give up some sultry details about the "one thing their spouse does that turns them on the most." Click here to read: 25 Husbands Share the One … [Read more...]
25 Husbands Share the One Thing Their Wives Do that Turn Them on the Most
Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. Jumping things off in our series, husbands and wives give up some sultry details about the "one thing their spouse does that turns them on the most." Check here to read: 25 Wives Share the One … [Read more...]
5 BIG Reasons Your Man May NOT Be Having Sex With You!
“I’ve been trying, but my husband hasn’t wanted to have sex with me lately and I don’t know why!” This sentiment came from many women that commented on my recent article Why Does My Man Always Want Sex? 6 BIG Things Ladies Must Know About Men and Sex!! Well I realized that sometimes this is one of the hardest things for women to understand because for some reason society has … [Read more...]
6 Hot and Heavy Reasons Pregnancy Sex Can Be Oh So Good!
Being pregnant doesn’t have to end your sex life for the next 9 months. Sex during pregnancy is great, as long as your doctor has given you the thumbs up. Married couples can continue to enjoy one another during this special season. Now, this is not meant to be medical advice but pleasure advice, from one wife to another. Here are 6 reasons to keep doing what you do: Doctor … [Read more...]
Sex, Race, and Religion are All Fair Game in Will Packer’s New NBC Sitcom “Truth be Told”
By: Dwayna Clark Will Packer, well known producer of such block buster hits as About Last Night, Think Like a Man Too, No Good Deed, The Wedding Ringer and Ride Along 2, was joined by comedian Tone Bell to discuss their upcoming American comedy "Truth be Told" on October 15, 2015 at Atlanta's STK Restaurant and Tyler New Media was front and center for a chance at the inside … [Read more...]
Friend Zone or Love Jones: Can A Man and Woman Just Be Friends?
“I’m not ready for a serious relationship. I just want to be friends.” This is one of the worst lines that any man or woman can hear from the person that they had hoped to gain more than a "buddy pass" from. We have all been at both ends, being the orator of such words as well as the unfortunate recipient hearer of those same dreaded words. What exactly does it mean for a … [Read more...]
Does Separation Mean It’s Ok to “Get Your Groove Back” with Someone Else?
Separation in marriage can be tricky. First you must think about why you separated and how long it will last. In a previous article, Does Separation Lead to Divorce?, I shared some of the consequences of a marriage separation. Dating others is one area I think should be avoided because it can lead you places you had no intention of going. Remember, even though you are … [Read more...]
Why Bad Boys Win Girls and Good Guys Only Friend Girls
"Bad boys aint no good Good boys aint no fun Lord knows that I should Run off with the right one..." -Mr. Wrong by Mary J. Blige When was the last time you heard a song that celebrated the virtues of a good man? That same representation is lacking in film, television, and all other forms of entertainment. Popular culture celebrates the "bad boy" while deriding the good … [Read more...]
These 4 Things Are A Beast In The Bedroom And Your Husband Wants Them All
I want to begin this article of with the bible verse 1 Corinthians 7:4 to help lay a foundation. The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. Sex within marriage is a GIFT from God! The enemy has taken this gift and made it either gross to some and a god to others. In today’s world, ladies, there are so … [Read more...]
Before Getting Married Have These 5 Talks Today!
Preparing for marriage can save tons of heartache down the road. Part of that preparation is having the difficult conversations. There are five talks that you should if you are serious about getting married. You will have to be honest and vulnerable but you need to know this information about one another. It will help build a healthy foundation for your marriage. Here … [Read more...]
5 Foolish But Preventable Acts That Ruin the Mood Every. Single. Time.
Once you get married and start a family, you may find it difficult to get in the mood. Demanding careers, busy schedules, and needy children can definitely cause intimacy to be placed on the back burner. Although that may be understandable, you can’t just sit back and settle into this way of life as if it’s the norm. I mean, do you want to end up in one of those sexless … [Read more...]
Lucky 7: The Sex Secrets You Won’t Hear About in Church
Let me begin by saying that I am a full time pastor with close to 10 years in ministry; so my perspective of the things you will not hear in church comes from me spending the majority of my life listening to thousands of sermons. In any sermon on marriage, you will hear the token things when it comes to sex. Sex is important for an healthy marriage; some ministers will even … [Read more...]
7 Tips to Get You Back in the Mood for Intimacy Quickly
How many times have we all read or even watched stories about couples that haven’t had sex in weeks? Unfortunately, it seems like a sexless marriage is the norm for many. What’s up with that, though? Isn’t a huge part of marriage the joy that comes with being intimate with someone you love? If that piece is missing, doesn’t that mean your marriage is headed for trouble? I’m … [Read more...]