I can’t even begin to share how often I have heard one spouse complain about the other in my coaching practice. They both feel unfulfilled in marriage in some way. The idea of marriage they had in their minds doesn’t align with the reality they are experiencing. It’s common to feel unfulfilled in your marriage at some point in time. One spouse will make a mistake or the other … [Read more...]
20 Things to Be Grateful for in Your Marriage
As you prepare to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror, reflection is important. Not just reflecting on the year itself, but also thinking back to what you’ve experienced and learned in your marriage and about your spouse. Also reflecting on how to be grateful in relationships. You have likely grown in some way and that is something to be grateful for. Now is a great time to … [Read more...]
Preparing Your Marriage for Success in 2021
As this year comes to a close, it is important to reflect, not on what we lost but what we gained. 2020 was not a complete loss. Most marriages weathered the storm and are better than ever. And though there are others who still find themselves struggling, all hope is not lost. I ask you to join me in being hopeful about what’s to come, and together let’s all look forward to a … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Keep Your Spouse Encouraged During Difficult Times
Life as we know it is harder than it has ever been for many of us. You have to worry about making sure your job is secure, your family is healthy, and that you are practicing your self-care. When it comes to your spouse’s needs, you might be forgetting they too need some inspiration. In this article, we will explore 5 ways to keep your spouse encouraged during difficult … [Read more...]
Three Ways You and Your Spouse Can Become Real Couple Goals
You have surely seen #CoupleGoals all over social media. The images that accompany the hashtag are of couples being happy in love, or so it seems. Some, unfortunately, look really amazing on the outside, but may not be worth admiring from the inside. Love can really look good on people and can make others desire that for themselves. The real goal is that our relationships … [Read more...]
The Conversations Single Women Are Having Right Now and How It May Be Affecting Marriage Prospects
Some of the most interesting concepts, comments, and thoughts come from conversations about marriage. As a relationship professional, I often find myself giving single women dating advice to help prepare them for marriage. I have learned, through those discussions, that what we say about marriage and how we express our needs may have an impact on the type of person that may be … [Read more...]
5 Techniques for Cooling Down Your Anger Before You Unleash on Your Spouse
Anger, if it is not properly managed, can cause irreparable damage in your marriage. Though it is a common response when you don’t get what you want, you can’t let it control how you connect with your spouse. It is important to manage yourself and understand how to deal with an angry spouse. If you need a little guidance, keep reading for how to deal with an angry spouse and 5 … [Read more...]
Relationship Baggage: How It May Be Showing Up In Your Marriage and What to Do About It
Love isn’t always easy. Each partner brings their own set of past relationship baggage to a new relationship that includes their upbringing, life experiences, and the past. These things can either enhance or hinder you as a partner. The imprint left by an ex-partner can get in the way of having a successful marriage. If you are wondering how your relationship baggage may be … [Read more...]
Are You Unhappy in Marriage? How to Love Your Marriage When It’s Hard to Love Your Spouse
The first step to resolving any issue in a relationship is to admit that it exists in the first place. Though it might be difficult to admit you are unhappy in marriage, nothing changes if you aren’t willing to own that truth. Many couples have found themselves unhappy in marriage at some point in their relationship. And many couples have asked the question “is it time for a … [Read more...]
Tips for Successful Blended Families the COVID Era
It’s almost Blended Family Week, a time dedicated to the celebration of blended families everywhere. It’s a necessary recognition because merging families isn’t always easy. Add to that this current climate of COVID and it could become even more of a challenge. It's comforting to know there are resources and tips for successful blended families. If you are looking for blended … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Know if You Are Immature in Your Marriage and What to Do if You Are
When Jada Pinkett Smith admitted to her past "entanglement" she used the term "emotional immaturity" and it left us all talking and wondering how to avoid emotional immaturity in marriage. When you are or have an immature spouse, your relationship requires more energy and effort from both you and your partner. Being emotionally immature can lead to stress, frustration and even … [Read more...]
Black Couple Goals: Use this Time to Set Goals with Your Spouse
Married Couples have so much going on right now. Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, you may be working from home, homeschooling, cooking multiple meals a day, and keeping the kids entertained. In doing all of these things, you cannot leave your house. Along with holding down the home, you and your spouse are spending more time together. And since you are spending more time together, … [Read more...]
Cabin Fever: 3 Ways to Help Your Kids Manage Their Emotions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has many people feeling stressed or overwhelmed. We’re in an unprecedented crisis that can have all of our emotions out of whack. Your children probably have those same thoughts and feelings, but may find it difficult to express them appropriately. We are dealing with unprecedented times across our country, and it’s more important than ever for your … [Read more...]
Should Couples Fix Communication Issues While in Quarantine or Later with Professional Help?
Communication is an essential key to a successful marriage. Couples must have the ability to sit down and listen to each other even if the topic is terrible. However, this is easier said than done. In some cases, couples can resolve issues on their own. Some decide to pray together, spend more time together, or even decide to make love more often. As we are ordered to stay … [Read more...]
Chef Nina Shares How to Make Food Last or Stretch While in Quarantine
The task of how to make food last or stretch while in quarantine is difficult because we are at home all day. In between working from home and homeschooling your kids, every so often boredom strikes. You find yourself heading to the refrigerator or pantry for a snack or a whole meal. Before you know it, all of the groceries bought that were meant to last a week are gone in a … [Read more...]