Dear Dr. Buckingham, I'm 19 years old (not dating), and would like to be married one day. Just out of curiosity, what do you think is a good age for one to get married, and how old do you think is too young? Thank you :) Young and Curious Dear Young and Curious, Thanks for asking such an important, but subjective question. Many people have different views regarding … [Read more...]
They’re a Good Catch and They’re Single! So What’s Wrong with Them?
Have you ever met an attractive person with great qualities and wondered why they’re single? I think most of us can say yes. Now, tell the truth: have you ever thought that something must be wrong with them because they’re single or unmarried? I’ve been guilty of this too, but this mindset is not towards every single person I meet. But every now and then I wonder: they’re … [Read more...]
Out with the Old: The Relationship Habits Singles Should Have Left in 2016
I know we’re barely mid-way through the winter season, but I’m already through with one pair of winter boots. Beaten and stained from the salt, they were not things that I wanted to hold on to anymore. Declaring "this is my last season for these," helped me think about other things I wanted to get rid of; what I wanted to leave behind as I go forward into 2017. "A time to get, … [Read more...]
Singles: 9 Spot-On Suggestions to Help You Step Up, Step Out and Search for Love
I often hear single people say that there are no good men or women out there. I wholeheartedly believe that assessment is inaccurate. There are plenty of good men and women out there. The issue may not lie with the fish that are caught, but rather the bait being used and where the line is cast. Ask yourself, honestly, would you want to date you right now? Are you fishing … [Read more...]
Singles: 5 Ways to Tell If You Have a “Grown” or Mature Mindset in Relationships
I'll admit that sometimes being “grown” or of age to do certain things in life, doesn't mean you're mature enough to handle them. Case in point: romantic relationships are not for people who just say they're grown but for those who carry a mindset that reflects growth and maturity. Which side are you on when it comes to relationships? These five ways will give you a … [Read more...]
2015’s Top 10 Relationship Articles for Singles that Want to Be Married
As we close out 2015 we’re reflecting on all the content you’ve come to know and love over the past year. Here are the top 10 articles our singles loved and read the most. Enjoy! #1) Confessions of Church Players: What Sisters Can Do to Protect Themselves Have you ever dated a church player? These are men who profess to be Christian, and manipulate you with religious cliches … [Read more...]
Singles: How to Date Multiple Men at Once Without Looking Like a “Slut”
A sister asked me, how can I date more than one man at once without looking like a slut? Apparently, this woman lives in a small town and is worried about folks from the church and community wondering why she was out with George on Friday, William on Saturday and Devon on Sunday. If you can relate to this sister, I feel you. Let me offer you some powerful insight on why you … [Read more...]
“Netflix and Chill” and Other Modern Dating Terms that Don’t Make Sense When It Comes to Real Love
Will you and your bae ever make something more from a Netflix and chill session or are you two just in this together for cuffing season? If that sentence didn’t make much sense, then you're right. Modern society tends to recreate the rules in dating each year and along with those changes come new terms and phrases for the things we do for love. Check out a few of these modern … [Read more...]
Single Ladies: 4 Specific Expressions We Tell Ourselves When He Stops Calling and How You Really Should Respond
No one wants to find out that someone they are interested in is no longer into them. Breakups, falling out, etc. can hurt the heart. Unfortunately the emotional wounds can occur from the "getting to know you" stage all the way up to committed relationships. When a man stops calling you, you have several ways to respond. Some I’ve been through and perhaps you can relate: “I … [Read more...]
3 Roadblocks that Get in the Way of You Meeting Mr. Right
If you're single and you don't want to be, you may be facing relationship roadblocks that are getting in the way of you meeting Mr. Right. In my experience, these roadblocks take the form of limiting beliefs. Beliefs shape our feelings, perceptions of others, and everything we say and do. They feel like the truth, but really they're just stories we've told ourselves to make … [Read more...]
5 Steps for Transitioning from Being Single into a Relationship
You may have been single for a long time and have gotten used to a routine where you are doing the things you need to do or want to do on your own schedule without a thought. Yet, during all that time you wondered when would you become involved in a relationship? You have imagined it, dreamed about it (and even prayed about it) and now the time is here! Aside from the … [Read more...]
When It Comes to Love, Should You Really Follow Your Heart?
Ever heard of the phrase "Follow your heart?" We see it everywhere from the cartoons we saw growing up to lines in songs and graphics on T-shirts. It's a way of life to some people, creating a seemingly passionate and romantic way of living to the fullest. Choosing to follow your heart is a bold statement to make, but what does it mean exactly? In my opinion, following your … [Read more...]