Word on the street and on the Internet is there’s a new reality show slated to debut January 1 at 9PM ET/PT on TLC called “The Sisterhood,” featuring pastors’ wives in Atlanta, Georgia. Sound familiar? The Real Housewives...Basketball Wives...you get the picture. With this new show, however, TLC attempts to clean up the reality wives’ genre with church hats, gospel music, and … [Read more...]
5 Ways I Know My Husband Trusts Me
A spouse’s trust is sacred and should never be taken for granted. It takes time to develop genuine trust between a husband and wife because we all bring baggage from our childhoods or former relationships that can interfere with our ability to trust each other. This January, my husband and I will celebrate 17 years of marriage. Over half of those were spent learning how to … [Read more...]
Some Things Are For Your Spouse’s Eyes and Ears Only!
When I think about the types of relationships that exist – between parents and children, friends, siblings, and extended family members, –none of them compare to the relationship between a husband and a wife. None of them. Yes, marriage is work. Yes, marriage has ups and downs. Yes, marriage, entered into foolishly, can result in a lot of heartache. But, above all, the marriage … [Read more...]
Election 2012: The Good News about Long Lines
We stand in line on Black Friday to purchase flat screen televisions and new computers. We stand in line at Disney World just to see our kids beam with glee and create life-long memories. We stand in line for concerts eager to get our groove on. We stand in line for a myriad of reasons, and today, we stand in line to vote. It's refreshing to see lines of voters … [Read more...]
Married, Saved, and Still Sexy
One of the misconceptions about "church girls" or Christian wives is that once we get saved we lose our sexiness. Some people think we are all conservative prudes who sleep in flannel pajamas from head to toe. Or, we are too good to let go sexually. Not so for the Christian wives I know. Well, I'm not exactly sure what they sleep in, but based on our conversations and … [Read more...]
Lay Hands on Your Spouse: It Says “I Got You!”
It's a simple yet powerful act of oneness "“laying hands on your spouse. My husband swears that I have "magic hands." Before we married, I laid hands on him a lot "“the ear, neck, and hands, primarily. It was sensual not sexual (at least for me). Most of the times I did it unintentionally, and when I would stop, he'd beg for more. "That's one of the reasons I fell in love with … [Read more...]
I Can’t Imagine Marriage Without God
My marriage would be a total failure without God. Matter of fact, my life would be a mess too. That's why when someone asks why I write so much about God when I am supposed to be writing about marriage, I reply: If it were not for God, I wouldn't be married. May I be real? Without God, I'd probably curse my husband and child everyday. Without God, I'd let small … [Read more...]
I’m An Independent Woman Who Stands Behind Her Man
I'm an educated, independent woman with earning potential of my own. As I wrote in a previous post, my father raised me to take care of my business and to be a strong woman. But, I also stated that just because I am a strong woman doesn't mean I don't need a man. Next to God, I need my husband. Part 1 of what I am calling the "New Independent Woman Series" challenged us … [Read more...]
When Your Man Asks for Seconds
Many women I know, including me, live a fast-paced life. We have things to do, people to see, jobs to perform, and kids to take care of. There's no time to stop. . . not even for a few seconds. However, living like this is not sustainable, especially not in marriage. I've been guilty of rushing my husband to make decisions or to discuss a pressing matter as if the world … [Read more...]
Enough with the Black Hair Obsession; Focus on What Matters: GABBY WON!
I learned of Gabby Douglas's win on Facebook. But just a few posts down, I also learned about the derogatory comments about her hair. Yes, her hair! What a shame. The first African American female to win Olympic gold in the all-round gymnastics competition gets attacked online for her hairstyle. Really? Maybe you have read the negative comments online or maybe you … [Read more...]
What Good Is it to Gain the World but to Lose Your Soul-Mate
At some point in your marriage, if you grow together in spirit, soul, and body, you realize there's no point in gaining the whole world but losing your soul-mate. To gain the career but to lose your companion and best friend. To gain the dream home but to lose your dreams as a couple. To gain influence and power with VIP's but to lose the most important people in your … [Read more...]
Let Him Look and Admire You
A common belief is that men are visual creatures. More so than women, they are enticed by what they see. I don't know if this stereotype has been scientifically proven, making it a fact. What I do know from experience and observation is that men like to look. That's all the more reason for wives to give their husband's something to look at. So, here's the question: Why do … [Read more...]
Don’t Blame Your Spouse for Your Ex’s Mistakes
We all bring baggage into marriage. But what happens when that baggage is another person, namely an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend? When I met my husband, I was ending a relationship I thought would lead to marriage one day. My feelings were hurt, self-esteem in the gutter, and trust broken. I needed to heal before jumping into another relationship. So, my husband and I took our … [Read more...]
Another Type of Sex to Add to Your List
I'm sure you've heard of make-up sex, honeymoon sex, morning sex, and lunch break sex. But have you heard of after-worship sex? Yes, you read it correctly. After-worship sex. I didn't make it up. God did. As I've written before in "The Blessing of Marital Sex," God wants husbands and wives to experience ultimate pleasure with each other. Sex is a gift that should be … [Read more...]
Reasons Why I Have To Thank God for Grandparents
Thank God for grandparents. My husband and I can't imagine trying to raise our daughter, build careers, work in ministry, and grow our marriage without grandparents. Just this week we've juggled dates to try and make it to our church's annual marriage retreat. We need this time away from work and in the presence of other like-minded couples. But, because of scheduling … [Read more...]