Quite a few of the conversations and comments that surface as a result of the articles posted here on BMWK typically focus on something a spouse is or isn't doing. This, of course, always leaves one spouse feeling frustrated and challenged on how to not only discuss it but also repair it. A number of couples struggle with knowing how to properly discuss the trials that arise in … [Read more...]
5 Heartfelt Prayers to Bless Your Marriage
Once a month my church family comes together for corporate prayer. During this time we pray for our church, the community, and each family that each member represents. As we prayed this month, I considered the current state of our communities, marriages, and families and we need prayer. Some people might need prayers to stay strong in their faith. I might need prayers to be a … [Read more...]
6 Marriage Mistakes Almost Every Wife Makes at Least Once
I must admit I made several marriage mistakes as a new wife. It took me a minute to understand and appreciate this profound new role with my husband. So my relationship struggled just a bit. What I learned, as I began studying relationships and working with couples, is that I wasn’t the only wife who had this experience. In this article: Taking your husband for … [Read more...]
10 Signs Your Single Behavior is Invading Your Married Life
Before I was married, I enjoyed the single life. I loved hanging out with my girls almost every weekend. Our single behavior included taking road trips, not having to check in with anyone about where I was going and not having to let anyone know when I would be returning. The single life definitely had its moments of enjoyment. In this article: Flirting with others … [Read more...]
3 Gifts to Exchange this Christmas to Transform Your Marriage
Your spouse may have created a wishlist for Christmas, or verbally shared what they wanted this season. Either way, you probably have a good idea of what you’ll be putting under the tree for your spouse and vice versa. While it’s easy to shop and spend money on things that make your spouse happy, there are gifts to exchange that money just can't buy. Material items only bring … [Read more...]
3 Effective Ways to Defuse Conflict and Achieve Marital Peace
One of the most effective ways couples can achieve marital peace is learning the skill of resolving marriage conflict. As you can imagine, two imperfect people will definitely generate disagreement, frustration and, yes, conflict in a relationship. When you marry, you bring your flaws, a little of the past, and a moderate amount of baggage. In that baggage is the hurt others … [Read more...]
7 Strategies To Use The Power Of Your Womanly Ways To Transform Your Relationship
I had an interesting cab ride with a driver who spent the entire drive reminding me and my coworkers about the power we have as women in relationship building. Our male Ghanaian driver, Kofi, was a self-proclaimed how-to-treat-women guru. He told a few relationship tips and stories of men and how their poor choices led to certain consequences. What struck me most about our … [Read more...]
25 Dream-Inspiring Quotes From Steve Harvey, Mikki Taylor, Lamman Rucker And More
If you’re in need of inspiration and motivation, check out this list of short inspirational quotes from Disney Dreamers 2016. Consider my mind blown. After this weekend's 9th annual Disney Dreamers celebration, my thinking has been completely transformed. Hosted by Steve Harvey and ESSENCE magazine, the amazing, life-changing event awards 100 participants and their families an … [Read more...]
The Top 5 Petty Actions A Wife Can Do To Her Husband
No one I know enjoys being petty. In fact, I cringe whenever my name and that word are used in the same sentence. Hearing that term will cause most folks to stop and reexamine their behavior immediately. Let’s be honest — we’ve all been there and it’s so easy to be petty when you're angry at your man. Check out the ways you’re being petty to your husband and how to avoid doing … [Read more...]
9 Healthy Actions During an Argument That Help You Keep the Peace
Healthy actions during an argument help married couples during serious disagreements. If we are honest, those of us in one recognized marriage can be difficult. A couple should never lead others to believe that disagreements, inequalities, arguments, and frustration don’t exist in a lifetime commitment. Honestly speaking, sometimes, married people just don’t get along, and … [Read more...]
Here’s the One Thing You Must Do in 2018 to Nip Relationship Conflict in the Bud
As you can imagine, two imperfect people will definitely generate disagreement, frustration and, yes, conflict in a relationship. When you marry, you bring your flaws, a little of the past, and a moderate amount of baggage. In that baggage is the hurt others have caused, your unwillingness to forgive, and the triggers that remind you of just how hard-nosed you have to … [Read more...]
Is Settling the Secret to a Lasting Relationship?
The topic of settling was discussed on a radio show I was listening to last week. In my opinion it depends on what you’re settling for. We all know that no one is perfect and that your ideal mate won’t show up in your life wrapped in a nice and neat package with a bow and have every single thing you are looking for. There will be something your spouse does or doesn’t have as … [Read more...]
5 Signs Your Marriage Needs Help (And How to Get It)
Ever felt like something in your marriage was a little off? Maybe you and your partner just weren't connecting the way you should and you knew you both could do so much better. Well, the truth is, you can. The very first step toward doing better is recognizing something is wrong. When couples aren't on the same page it sometimes has a lot to do with … [Read more...]
5 Really Good Ways to Support Your Spouse’s Dream
I am a dreamer. I sometimes think up really big ideas but occasionally I lose steam when the process seems to be moving too slowly or I get discouraged. This is why my husband is such a really great match for me. He’s always supportive, realistic and able to see the big picture when I can't. He knows who he married so he understands what I need as a dreamer. Dreamers get … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Celebrate Your Marriage
Life is precious and moments are gifts, so it's important that we all celebrate life's small and large blessings along the way, as often as possible. And one of those blessings is your marriage. How do you celebrate your marriage, outside of being reminded to do so on holidays and your anniversary? What couples sometimes forget is how powerful the frequent celebration of … [Read more...]