"There should be a consistency that runs through us all. For Jesus doesn’t change—yesterday, today, tomorrow; He’s always totally Himself." Hebrews 13:8 MSG One of the most irritating things to go through in dating is what some call "the switch up." It is when you thought all was going well with someone and then out of nowhere you don't hear from them anymore, in any … [Read more...]
Debunking the Myth: Get All Your Ducks in a Row Before Settling Down
I’m not going to put this squarely on the shoulder of the men. But I see this error more in men than women. It’s that…people think that they need to have all their ducks in a row, like they need to be perfect, having accomplished all their goals on their own…before they are ready for to settle down and enter into a serious relationship I’ve talked to several men in the last … [Read more...]
Your Man or Your Plan? Should Love Trump Career?
Should Love Trump Career? The answer to this question is yes. And no. Let me explain. You might be looking for me to give you a warm and fuzzy response like “follow your heart” or “love will make a way!” But I’m not going to give you that. You might be looking for me to give you an answer like “girl, get yo money! You don’t need a man.” I’m not going to give you … [Read more...]
3 Types of People You Must Shut Out When Desiring to Prepare for Marriage
I remember it like it was yesterday. God said to me, “Jamal, how can I trust you with leading a woman if you do not know how to lead yourself?" That moment was a wake up call to me. I was young, but man I was so ready to be married. I wasn’t one of those guys that enjoyed the game of “being on the market”. I desired to have one woman that I would commit to love for the rest … [Read more...]
Single Men: To Attract a Good Woman, Give Her This One Thing
This past weekend, a couple fellas and myself celebrated the end of the week with the traditional happy hour. After a few hours and a few cold ones, one of the single fellas began the usual rant of not being able to attract the woman he's looking for. At the age of 25, he felt he was in the "awkward stage" of being too old to find women in the bars and, since he was new to … [Read more...]
Men: At Last, the One Simple Thing that Women Really Want
Listening to music today is totally different from years ago. Romance has been replaced with role reversal, explicit sex, and stories of unhealthy relationships. Somewhere between the promiscuity and the perceived lack of good men, relationships have gone astray. Both sexes are complaining about the other and it appears that more division, than unity is taking place. In the … [Read more...]
These 3 Issues Can Cause Explosive Problems in Your Future Marriage If Not Dealt With Now
When my wife and I crossed over from single life to married life we were so excited about the journey that awaited us. We had done everything we knew possible to prepare ourselves for this great adventure that marriage would take us on. We knew there would be ups and downs like most people had told us, but we still had no clue the types of problems we would run … [Read more...]
Singles: These 3 Powerful Relationship Tips from “Being Mary Jane” Will Change the Way You Think
With so much buzz surrounding the 3rd season of BET's Being Mary Jane, I decided to play catch up and binge watch previous episodes on Netflix. I was never a fan of the show, however, I figured I would give it another try. After my binge I am still not a fan, however there are a lot of lessons we can learn from this show. Here are the top 3 relationship tips we can learn … [Read more...]
Not Doing This One Thing Will Put The Last Nail In Your Relationship Coffin
I just helped one of my clients break up with his girlfriend. Derwyn and Lisa (we’ll call them) were in a 2-year long distance relationship. They both love each other. But Derwyn’s complaint was that Lisa wasn’t showing enough commitment to their relationship. She’d text him “Good morning” every other day or so and that was basically it. All he was asking was for Lisa to … [Read more...]
3 Key Takeaways from a Failed Relationship
Most of us have a failed relationship in our past somewhere. A relationship that didn’t work out for one reason or the other. Rather than calling it a failed relationship, another way to look at it is a lesson learned. Taking a minute to go back and analyze the relationship can tell you a lot. In particular it can show you: What didn’t work What worked The truth … [Read more...]
100 Things I’ve Learned As a Single Woman
You never know what to expect in the dating game. It has it’s ups and downs, it’s challenges and it’s rewards. I have been blessed though. No, I have not found that special one yet, but I won’t complain. I’ve dated a few guys (nothing serious) and although romantic relationships weren’t in God’s plan for us, we remained friends. One of which is my best friend. How cool is … [Read more...]
GUYS: 4 Tried And True Steps On How to Get Out of “Friend Status”
When I was in junior high school, I mustered up the courage to ask a girl I had a huge crush on “Will you go with me?” "No. Heath, you’re like a brother to me." she replied. "Say What Now!" A brother does not feel toward you what I’m feeling…I thought to myself. How the heck did I unwittingly get cast into brother status…or that curs-ed friend status? More importantly, … [Read more...]
Why Should I Get Married!? 13 Signs You Might Not Be Ready For Marriage
WARNING: Some of you may question getting married or why you ever got married once you read this! Often we find out the hard way that a lot that happens in a marriage is on the job training. However, there are still quite a few things that we can learn before we say” I do!” With marriage being such a paramount decision that affects so much of our lives, you would think … [Read more...]
Praying For the “One”? Here Are Two Must Read Ways God Will Reveal Your Spouse
I remember it like it was yesterday. During my single years, I would continuously ask: God, how will You reveal my spouse to me? Would a light come out of the sky? Would she glow like an angel? Would I hear trumpets play when our eyes caught each other? No two stories are the same, but there are two ways you can learn from the marriage of Adam and Eve that may … [Read more...]
5 Dating Mistakes Every Woman Should Avoid
We all make dating mistakes. However, through the following list, women can learn to avoid some critical ones to prevent unnecessary heart-ache. 1. Questions Dating is an interview coupled with an outing. We're used to interviews as they relate to a job. You are in an office and asked a series of questions to determine your qualifications for employment. We don't … [Read more...]