When you experience something painful in your marriage, you have to make a decision that you will not let the pain destroy your partnership. Getting your marriage back to a good place will be challenging, especially if your relationship was shaky before the painful experience took place. Marriage can be hard work when things are wonderful, so when the “worse” comes knocking at … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage When Painful Experiences Try to Destroy It
We all know life is about finding happiness and experiencing joy. But as much as we know that, we also know life is about managing the inevitable: pain. None of us enjoy it, and many of us aren’t sure how to deal with it, but we know that we have to face it at some point. And even though many of us know painful experiences will come and go throughout the course of … [Read more...]
5 Conversations You Can’t Avoid If You Want A Happy Marriage
In order for your marriage to stand the test of time, you have to be able to communicate your needs, frustrations, desires, and so much more. Without communication, your marriage inevitably suffers. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a happy marriage. But what some people fail to realize is that it’s not just a matter of communicating. Even if you talk to your … [Read more...]
5 Things Every Wife Needs Her Husband to Understand
If there is anything almost nine years of marriage has taught me, it’s that I can’t get my husband to read my mind. Yep, despite my best efforts, that brotha just can’t do it. Consider it a shortcoming if you must, but I realize that he’s just human. My husband is actually human. Shocking, right? After all, didn’t he get the memo that marrying me meant that he needed to … [Read more...]
5 Straightforward Steps to Becoming a Better Wife
I think we are all a work in progress. Anyone who isn’t trying to make improvements, daily, is pretty self-absorbed if you ask me. After all, none of us are perfect. Now, I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t be happy with who you are. I happen to love myself. But I also know that I am flawed. I make mistakes every day. But I want to do better. I want to be a better mom … [Read more...]
3 Things You Need to Do if You Want Your Marriage to Have a Fighting Chance
Sometimes, my husband gets on my last nerve. I don’t care how wonderful I think he is (and he is wonderful), he is human. He has the capacity to work my nerves. But I’m no fool. I am certain I can do the same. There is no doubt in my mind that I get on his nerves, too. And although getting on each other’s nerves is pretty common in even the happiest marriages, it does make … [Read more...]
3 Marriage Hacks That Will Instantly Improve Your Relationship
I’ve been married for almost 9 years to a man I’ve been friends with for over 20 years. What we have isn’t perfect but it works. It’s perfect for us. We’ve faced ups and downs, but we have always done our best to maintain a healthy, happy marriage. We figure if we consistently take small steps to make this thing work, we can avoid the need to take major steps one … [Read more...]
Is It Okay for Love to Be Conditional?
If I had to say what I love most about my relationship with my husband, it would be how he loves me unconditionally. He’s never made me feel like his love for me has conditions attached to it. Never makes me fee like I am constantly trying to earn his love. For that, I adore him. I have seen people I love in relationships overflowing with conditions and it breaks my heart. … [Read more...]
5 Signs that You Are Losing Yourself While Loving Your Man
I wouldn’t call myself a hopeless romantic, but I surely believe in true love. I believe there is someone out there for everyone, and that when you meet the right person it has the potential to last a lifetime. What I don’t believe in is loving someone so much you start to lose sight of who you are or who you want to be. I think that’s crap. You shouldn’t ever lose yourself … [Read more...]
5 Things that Should Matter More than How Much Your Man Makes
My husband is the primary breadwinner in our home. I love and appreciate him for that and so much more. He provides for all of us, and I never question how important that is to him. But I also know that our current situation can change at any moment. I know that a time may come when I make more than he does. I know that the possibility of losing his job is always on the … [Read more...]
5 Important Things Women Often Overlook Because They’re in LOVE
I love my husband. I’ve known him for 20 years and we’ve been married for over 8 years. We have two kids together and a third on the way. Our lives aren’t perfect, but we certainly love what we have built. We’ve been blessed. But can I tell you a secret? My love for him is not why we are together. Sure, loves plays a role. After all, I would never marry a man I didn’t … [Read more...]
10 Reasons My Mother Is Such an Extraordinary Woman
It’s Woman’s History month, and although I typically don’t need a designated month to encourage me to celebrate anything, this month does make me reflect on all the phenomenal women in my life. From friends to cousins to public figures and more, I have recently been thinking a lot about the many women who have done so much to bring me to where I am today. These are women who … [Read more...]
5 Things Couples Can Do to Prepare for a Major Life Transition
If there is once thing I know for sure, it’s the fact that every couple has to experience change. Even if your relationship is happy and healthy, change will occur. It’s inevitable. But change is not a bad thing. Change is a natural part of life. What determines your level of happiness and success is not your ability to avoid change, but your ability to manage it. What do … [Read more...]
Don’t Be a Sucka! 5 Signs that Your Man Is Playing You for a Fool
I’ve always hated the phrase “love conquers all.” Don’t get me wrong, I am all about romance and happily ever after, but I have seem enough in my lifetime to know that love does not conquer all. Love is wonderful and magical but it isn’t enough. Have you ever heard a woman share how much she love's a man, but it's really her way of justifying his mistreatment of her. It … [Read more...]
5 Universal Relationship Deal Breakers…Get Out Now!
When we enter relationships, we all have our own personal deal breakers. And it makes sense, really, because we all have different needs and expectations. Some of us want children...while others don’t; Some insist on living in the city...while others refuse. I know having children was a deal breaker for me. I would not have been able to marry a man who didn’t want kids. Even … [Read more...]