By: Dr. George James In medieval times, or in any episode of Game of Thrones, you'll find that people literally live in a castle. It could be a King and his Queen, a Lord and Lady, or a Duke and Duchess. As such, the castle is uniquely built to keep noble men and women safe from invaders. Boundaries such as high walls, arrow slits, drawbridges, and moats are used to defend … [Read more...]
Is Being in a Sexless Marriage Grounds for a Divorce?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I have been with my husband for 25 years, married for 19. We have three kids (21,18,13). After having my last daughter, something changed with me. I want sex all the time. The problem is, it's like I have to beg my husband for sex. Most of the time it's like I'm begging my own husband for sex. He works two jobs, getting up 5 days a week at 4 o'clock … [Read more...]
His Lips, Her Hips, and These Tips Keep Romance Alive When Life Takes Over
Walk past most magazine racks in the grocery store and you are bound to be inundated with headlines boasting the "latest" or "hottest" or "kinkiest" bedroom tricks for couples eager to get it on. Let's face it. Keeping the mood sensual and the marriage bed beguiling is tough to do. For some couples, the honeymoon takes a backseat as life rears its necessary head after the first … [Read more...]
How Can We Keep Our Marriage Steamy While Parenting?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, My husband and I are arguing often because of our parental and marital obligations. We both realize that we have to take care of our 3 children, but we are feeling more distant. Our marriage is slowly fading into the wrong direction. We are having trouble balancing our responsibilities. How Can We Keep Our Marriage Steamy While Parenting? Wife and … [Read more...]
Help My Wife Left Me! How Can I Become a More Nurturing and Sensitive Husband?
Dr. Buckingham, I feel like I am in hell. I am separated from my wife and do not know how things got so messed up so quickly. She recently moved out with our 10 year old and 14 year old children. I tried my best to be a good father and husband, but my wife always complained about me being insensitive to their needs. I did what I knew how..which was put a roof over their … [Read more...]
A Dozen Great Ways to Keep Your Relationship Fresh
As I reflect on my relationship (which I have been in now for over 16 years, more than a 1/3 of my life), I am so grateful for the fact that it doesn’t feel that long. In fact, the longer we're in it, the better it gets. And as I take a step back to reflect, there are definitely some intentional things that we did that have kept us both happy, fulfilled, and feeling like the … [Read more...]
Am I Wrong for Wanting to Make Love While My Mother In-Law Is in My House?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, My love life with my wife is going down the drain. Her mother moved in with us six months ago and we rarely have sex. She feels uncomfortable and sometimes states that it is disrespectful for us to make love while her mother in the house. I am lucky if I get some cookie once a month. I tried to understand her perspective, initially, but I cannot live like … [Read more...]
How to Fill Your Wife’s Emotional Love Account and Win Back Her Heart
I've been married for 29 years. And throughout this time, I've experienced the glow of my emotional love account being full to over flowing. And I've also had the heart break my emotional love account being not just empty, but in the negative with no reserve. You see, this emotional love account is like a financial bank account. You make deposits through your positive … [Read more...]
6 Ways to Make Your Husband Feel Loved Outside of the Bedroom
If your husband is anything like mine, he appreciates some loving outside of the bedroom. We know our husbands are sexual beings. However, there is more to the connection between husband and wife than sex. I’m talking about whatever affection is to your man. I know what affection looks like to me, but it took me some time to learn what affection means to my husband. I had to … [Read more...]
10 Simple Things to Say and Do to Make Your Spouse Feel Loved
"The same things you did to get them, you need to do to keep them." We've all heard it said a million times. But if we're being honest, sometimes we get so busy that we either forget or those things aren't much of a priority anymore. When it comes to loving, romancing, and appreciating our spouses, sometimes we just need a prompting so that we can get back in the groove of … [Read more...]
My Husband Doesn’t Show Me Love Like He Used To
Where did the affection go? My husband and I have been marriage coaches for quite some time now, and this is one of the topics that comes up frequently. Wives think: "Before marriage he gave me all of the attention that I needed." "What changed?" Husbands think: "I didn't realize she was so needy?" What Happened? Marriage happened! My husband and I had a good … [Read more...]
Being Mary Jane: How to Tell Your Man He’s Bad in Bed Without Offending Him
On last night’s episode of Being Mary Jane, Mary Jane’s friend and sidekick, Kara experienced a challenge many have faced in their relationships. Kara’s love interest, Orlando is an attractive, professional athlete, (some would call him the total package.) However, he is unable to satisfy her sexually. And for Kara, that is a problem. In her very own tell-it-like-it-is way, … [Read more...]
Slay for Bae: 7 Quick and Easy Tips on How to Remain His Eye Candy
What happens when your look no longer matches his vision? And before I get started, let’s just be clear that this can go in either direction. Your husband’s physical appearance may no longer match the vision you had for the man of your dreams either. So let’s talk about reality for a minute. When you first got married you were both looking good every time you stepped out … [Read more...]
Ladies, Bring Sexy Back to Your Relationship; 20 Suggestions to Rethink, Reshape or Revive Your Inner Vixen
After two children and some busy living, I don't often feel as hot as I did in my 20s. I've gained weight, had a few surgeries, my eyeglass prescription is stronger, and my hair has changed. Those kind of transformations are enough to make a woman question whether or not she’s still got it. The longer we live, the more change we’ll experience. Most will be external while … [Read more...]
Sexual Fantasies Can Actually Be Great for Your Marriage, But Here’s the Catch…
WARNING this article may contain TMI and REAL TALK! Ever wonder what it is like to _________________________________ (insert your fantasy here)? Chances are I’ve done it! Now don’t get me wrong…I haven’t done EVERYTHING! After all, I’m only 38 and have many more amazing years ahead of me and my husband…so, yup, more fantasies to come for Mr and Mrs. Macklin! However, … [Read more...]