My husband is the primary breadwinner in our home. I love and appreciate him for that and so much more. He provides for all of us, and I never question how important that is to him. But I also know that our current situation can change at any moment. I know that a time may come when I make more than he does. I know that the possibility of losing his job is always on the … [Read more...]
5 Important Things Women Often Overlook Because They’re in LOVE
I love my husband. I’ve known him for 20 years and we’ve been married for over 8 years. We have two kids together and a third on the way. Our lives aren’t perfect, but we certainly love what we have built. We’ve been blessed. But can I tell you a secret? My love for him is not why we are together. Sure, loves plays a role. After all, I would never marry a man I didn’t … [Read more...]
5 Universal Relationship Deal Breakers…Get Out Now!
When we enter relationships, we all have our own personal deal breakers. And it makes sense, really, because we all have different needs and expectations. Some of us want children...while others don’t; Some insist on living in the city...while others refuse. I know having children was a deal breaker for me. I would not have been able to marry a man who didn’t want kids. Even … [Read more...]
5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Before You Turn 30
According to the Census Bureau, most Americans are marrying before they hit the 30 year mark. My husband and I got married when I was 24 and he was 27. Now, some 19 years later, I feel like we got married at a good age. We have both changed since then as individuals and as a couple. Well, I’ll say we have evolved as a couple. We have had time to really learn about ourselves … [Read more...]
Ladies, Grow a Backbone; 5 Things a Woman Should Never Change for Her Man
I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t make compromises in my marriage. I find it hard to believe that any marriage can last without compromises. When you commit to spending the rest of your life with another person, doing what you can to manage differences is inevitable. For things to work, there has to be a mutual decision to meet halfway at times. But for me, meeting halfway … [Read more...]
Don’t Hide Money! Read the Other 3 Ways to Avoid Having Money Ruin Your Marriage
Money is one of the all-time reasons couples get divorced. Either someone is not making enough, spending too much or not paying bills. There are probably several reasons couples fight and/or divorce over money. I thought I would share some tips that will hopefully help someone come to an understanding about money. Decide on how many bank accounts you are going to have. You … [Read more...]
The 5 C’s of a Great Relationship
Each of us can relate to what a bad relationship looks like. We find we aren’t on the same page, our minor disagreements become big blow-ups and little things that annoy us about our mate become larger over time. Bad relationships have hints of lack of trust, lack of communication, an unwillingness to work together, a lack of empathy and love is rarely a verb. Great … [Read more...]
Does a Happy Wife Always Lead to a Happy Life?
One of the most common phrases I’ve heard about how to make a marriage last is "happy wife, happy life". Rarely do the people who use this phrase explain what they mean, but one common translation is summed up by advice President Obama gave a husband at a campaign stop during his 2012 reelection bid: “Just do whatever she tells you to”. Conflating a wife’s happiness with her … [Read more...]
I Did It My Way: How to Compromise in Your Marriage
Sometimes marriage reminds me of being a kid. It's literally like you've gotta get permission for almost everything you do. I can remember being a kid trying to convince my moms to buy me a pair of Jordans for $140 (which in '88 was BANANAS for a pair of sneakers.) And now, I find myself doing the same as an adult! Whether it's still a pair of Jordans some 22 years later or a … [Read more...]
5 Sacrifices I’m Willing to Make in My Marriage…What About You?
Sacrifice: to give up something for the sake of a greater cause. What are you willing to sacrifice for the greater cause of marriage? So many marriages fail because spouses are unwilling to sacrifice for the union. Each person must make a personal decision to be sacrificial, to give of him/herself without gripe or grudge, and without expecting something in return. You … [Read more...]
The Single Life: The Vegan & The Carnivore – What I learned about Compromise
There once lived a boy (who will remain nameless) and a girl (that would be me) who fell madly in like. They connected on several subjects and shared common characteristics. They even had the same birthday. The two spent hours on the telephone, telling stories that dated back to their childhoods. Then..... they discussed diets. And that’s when they realized … [Read more...]
I Know You Don’t Want to Hear This, Guess What, Sometimes You’re Going to Have to Give In
There are some who struggle with the idea of being wrong or having to apologize. There are others who are stubborn as mules and will stand firm in their belief whether it's right or wrong. Even in a committed partnership, with the person they love, some people are simply not willing to "give in". They will stand their ground and fight, even when the fight isn't justified or … [Read more...]
How To Deal When The Things You Loved About Your Spouse Are Now The Things You Hate
Back when me and my husband were dating, I fell in love with him because of how mature he was. At 18, it was hard to find guys who could deal with major life crises calmly, who didn't really stress about life or where it was headed, who could get through almost anything without breaking a sweat. To this day, it is something I absolutely love about him. But it is also one of … [Read more...]
Do You Have Your Own Space In Your Marriage?
We are all pretty familiar with the man cave and a man's need to have his own personal space. This room is generally used as an escape from all the busyness, stress and everything else that comes with having a family. Believe me I get it. Returning home following a stressful day at the daytime job and jumping right into the nighttime career would send anyone running toward a … [Read more...]
Are You Both Complaining About The Same Thing?
by Tara Pringle Jefferson By nature, I am a soft-spoken woman, but despite this, I am convinced my husband at times suffers from "selective hearing." Selective hearing is when he can hear the kids just fine, he can hear the sports commentators, but my request for his help washing the dishes goes unacknowledged. When this happens, I usually just take a deep breath and ask … [Read more...]