Marriage isn't easy and I'm sure many of you know that. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a happy home where both parties are truly getting what they need from each other. In many cases, this harmony between a couple is not being achieved which opens the door to many things such as cheating. The day you find out that your partner has cheated on you can be extremely difficult … [Read more...]
5 Things You Need to Do if You Are Thinking About Cheating
Most people don’t enter a marriage with thoughts of cheating on their mind. I’m no fool, so I also know that some people go into the partnership with no intentions of being faithful. However, I do believe that the majority of people have good intentions and they want their union to last. However, none of us are Christ. And even with the best intentions, some people find … [Read more...]
My Husband Cheated; Should I Divorce or Stay?
Dear Dr. Buckingham I have been married 14 years. My husband recently cheated. We have been trying to work things out but I'm angry. He tried to find fault in me, to justify his affair. He admitted that, only after I beat myself up over and over trying to find out what I did to cause it. A part of me wants to just divorce him! What should I do? Help me heal! … [Read more...]
4 Ways Married People Should Handle “Old Flames”
By Phil Stevens, A few weeks ago we shared part one of ‘Flattered’ by Marriage Pressure Points and we left you hanging, intentionally. A young wife/mother had seemingly made a decision to have lunch with a steamy old flame. We left you with a scene of her watching her very angry husband pace back and forth. What would you have done in her shoes? Checkout the full version … [Read more...]
How Many Ways Are You Choosing to Cheat on Your Spouse?
That's a pretty blatant statement, I know. It's a phrase that I first heard, used by a teacher named Andy Stanley and it stuck with me. How does the phrase sit with you? What comes to mind when you hear that phrase, "Choosing to Cheat"? I'm sure it depends on where you are in life, at this moment, and your mindset towards this word and act of cheating. Anything from cheating … [Read more...]
Video: Married and Looking Up Old Flames? Think Twice!
Most people do not reach out to old flames looking for an affair – but yet this is often what happens. Old flames have a special place in our hearts. Reconnecting with them stirs up powerful and deep emotions related to desire, nostalgia and regret. Here’s the growing issue: Many of us are approaching middle age and/or in a bland marriage with an average level of happiness. … [Read more...]
3 Types of People that Don’t Respect Marriage
It seems like cheating and affairs are at an all time high; Hollywood scandal is full of how unfaithful this or that person is and their saga plays out in the media for us all to see and judge. The philanderer is dragged through the mud; but I think it's time we step back for a second and look at the entire picture. People aren't having affairs by themselves and it usually … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Short Film Addresses – What Happens When Your Spouse is a…CHEATER!
You may have watched the hidden camera TV show, Cheaters. I've been unfortunate enough to allow it to steal some of my time. To me it is a mix of a bad detective show, Jerry Springer, and a bad comedy. But it touches on something that affects many marriages. It dives into what happens when you find out your husband or wife is a...Cheater! Infidelity in marriage is no … [Read more...]
10 Risks of Infidelity and How to Prevent It
Research from the American Psychological Association, the Journal of Family Psychology and Science Daily presents alarming and definitive evidence that the majority of married men will cheat on their wives. The rates of divorce are just as alarming. The research indicates that 30 – 60% of all married individuals will engage in infidelity; that nearly 50% of all marriages end in … [Read more...]