I recently came to a revelation in my own life: I've been crossing the threshold of my home expecting to get into it with my wife. And although I have no tool of measurement to gauge how often this was occurring, I can say it was happening a lot. I was fearing aka expecting aka having faith in a negative outcome. I realized that this kind of behavior is what happens when you … [Read more...]
5 Lessons for Black Marriages From Black History
I was inspired to write this post while reading the book, The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson. What an amazing book! Just a few pages into this 1,000 plus page moving account of the "Great" migration of African Americans from the South to every part of this country, and something has hit me. There are so many lessons for black marriages from black history. In fact, my … [Read more...]
Preparing to Become a Husband – 10 Tips For Single Men
My article, Preparing To Become A Wife - 10 Tips For Single Women, gave great tips for wives-to-be and inspired me to sit down and write out my thoughts on preparing to become a husband. In no way am I proclaiming perfection in any of these areas. But like any relationship, you have to work hard on the positives in order to become an ideal partner. Preparing to Become a … [Read more...]
The Cheater’s Guide to a Lifetime of Faithfulness
If you were raised in a similar environment to me, I bet you know this two sayings, “What is done in the dark will always come to light.” Sound familiar? It's all too familiar to me as God worked it out alright. Now, I know the headline, "A Cheater's Guide to a Lifetime of Faithfulness," might throw you off. But another saying, “God works in mysterious ways,” might help you … [Read more...]
21 Conversation Starters to Help Couples Struggling to Communicate
The relationship between my wife and I was a long distance one for our entire courting and engagement season. There is good news and bad news about being in a long distance relationship. The good news is you are forced to learn how to communicate. The bad news is you only see each other every so often. But, because of the distance, conversation starters came somewhat easy. I … [Read more...]
Why “Just” Praying For Your Marriage Doesn’t Work
Now before you shoot me, let me scream at the top of my lungs that “I believe in the power of prayer!” God has done too many amazing things in my life for me to believe otherwise. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that prayer changes things! James 5:16 states it clearly, “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer … [Read more...]
7 of the Amazing Riches You Get When You Unleash Christ in Your Marriage
In a recent article I wrote titled 20 God-Centered Tips For a Successful Christian Marriage, I outlined some tips to help develop the kind of relationship where God's word is front and center in your union. Many of those character traits are far from easy to live by, but if you wish to successfully unleash Christ in your marriage, they are worth pursuing. But, what exactly … [Read more...]
Why Making Your Wife Compete With Your Mother is a Bad Idea
How does your wife compete with the other woman when the other woman is your mother? She can’t nor should she have to. A mother has her place and a wife has her place. The two positions are distinctly different and should complement one another not compete. Fellas, you set the tone for this relationship between two very important women in your life. If you don't know by now, … [Read more...]
6 Practices of a Marriage That Runs Like a Well-Oiled Machine
When I hear the phrase "well-oiled machine" I think of something smooth and efficient with little to no defect. But I also know it earned its reputation as a result of a lot of hard work by everyone involved with bringing the product to market. Take a BMW for instance. No matter the series, a BMW is a much-coveted vehicle that has set the standard for many others. But it didn't … [Read more...]
Marriage Made Easy: 27 Stupid Simple Tips to Help Your Marriage Run Smoothly
Don't we all wish there was an "easy" button for marriage? The moment something goes awry, we yank it out, press it, and voila! Problem solved. But, there is no such thing. Marriage is perhaps the most difficult relationship to navigate. It has the potential to yield the most rewards, yet cause the most pain...all on the same day. Well, if you're looking for a marriage made … [Read more...]
Here’s How to Treat Your Husband Like a King
Most of us want our homes to be a place of refuge, a place of tranquil peace, rambunctious excitement, and romantic moments. We want a home, not just a house. We want a place where our mate is well taken care of and comfortable. If you're husband, you want to treat your wife like a queen. If you're a wife, you want to treat your husband like a king. How to Treat Your Husband … [Read more...]
How Overnight Guests Can Strain A Marriage
Having overnight guests in your home can be a double-edged sword. It can be fun to meet friends and relatives you have not seen for a long time. On the other hand, it can take a turn for the worse and be a nightmare. In this article: The Impact of Overnight Guests No One Told You About The Rambunctious Brother The Disruptive Sister How to Deal with Having … [Read more...]
At Last! The Secret To A Happy Marriage Is Revealed
I was at a restaurant not too long ago and saw an older couple. Maybe in their late 70s or early 80s, there was an air of serenity about them that bespoke decades of life and love together. They ate in comfortable silence, but somehow I just felt they were conveying something beyond words. As they walked out holding hands, I couldn't help but wonder. What's their secret? We … [Read more...]
Conversation With Gary Thomas, Author Of Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy Instead Of Happy?
I had an awesome opportunity last week to speak with best selling author and international speaker, Gary Thomas, who wrote bestseller Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage To Make Us Holy Instead Of Happy?, which still remains as his most successful book. Mr. Thomas is the author of at least thirteen books, a couple of which rank on my all-time favorites list. Learn … [Read more...]
Surviving Infidelity: 3 Reasons Your Spouse Can’t Move Past Your Affair
Someone was recently sharing with me that she was in a relationship where her husband cheated, and what she did to help in surviving infidelity. So, she decided to cheat as well and now, they are struggling to get past the situation. Learn more about this woman's story and what exactly happens in a marriage after a spouse cheats. Surviving Infidelity | Get Better, Not Even … [Read more...]