There's a well known saying, "happy wife, happy life." I know some men who love it. But, I also know it rubs some men the wrong way when they hear it. Sure, they want to make their women happy, but how about their happiness. A happy husband is as important to a lasting relationship as a happy wife. Unfortunately, society often reduces the man's happiness to a sweaty romp under … [Read more...]
Protect Your Castle and Get Sex on the Regular in Your Marriage
By: Dr. George James In medieval times, or in any episode of Game of Thrones, you'll find that people literally live in a castle. It could be a King and his Queen, a Lord and Lady, or a Duke and Duchess. As such, the castle is uniquely built to keep noble men and women safe from invaders. Boundaries such as high walls, arrow slits, drawbridges, and moats are used to defend … [Read more...]
His Lips, Her Hips, and These Tips Keep Romance Alive When Life Takes Over
Walk past most magazine racks in the grocery store and you are bound to be inundated with headlines boasting the "latest" or "hottest" or "kinkiest" bedroom tricks for couples eager to get it on. Let's face it. Keeping the mood sensual and the marriage bed beguiling is tough to do. For some couples, the honeymoon takes a backseat as life rears its necessary head after the first … [Read more...]
5 Conversations You Can’t Avoid If You Want A Happy Marriage
In order for your marriage to stand the test of time, you have to be able to communicate your needs, frustrations, desires, and so much more. Without communication, your marriage inevitably suffers. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a happy marriage. But what some people fail to realize is that it’s not just a matter of communicating. Even if you talk to your … [Read more...]
From Your Husband with Love; 5 Things Men Wish You Knew About Marriage
Dear Current & Future Wives, Okay, so let me go ahead and get this part out of the way! I know most women reading this first thought will be like “well, here we go again, why is it always about what women need to do.” All I ask you to do is read this letter with an open heart and mind and attempt to try and understand where many men are coming from so that we can bridge … [Read more...]
Attn: Christian Singles! 2 Major Areas You Should Address Before You Start a New Relationship
It's tough being a single person dating in today's singles environment. Being a Christian single adds even more layers of complexity, considering potential conflicts in morals, values, spiritual goals, etc.. There will be lots of hits, complete misses and close calls in terms of finding ideal candidates for your heart. But my recommendation is not to just jump into dating … [Read more...]
3 of the Biggest Reasons Why Your Wife Isn’t Interested in Having Sex With You
We’ve heard it time and time again: A sexless marriage is not a healthy marriage. Of course, marriage is about friendship, compromise, a spiritual connection and a shared vision, but let’s keep it real—a healthy marriage is also about a good sex life. Once you eliminate sex from the equation, you’re dealing with a roommate, not a spouse. So how does a sexless marriage … [Read more...]
Fellas, Here’s the Right Way to Really Make Love with Your Woman.
It’s raining. Each raindrop gently falls as though it were a small piece of the clouds, descending to the earth below. Ever so softly, the steady fall of drops whisper a melody as they splash upon their window pane. Inside, a pair of lovers, oblivious to the outside world, lie there affixed in each other’s embrace. Now that I’ve got your attention. I just described the … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage: Don’t Settle for Sexless in Your Sanctuary
So, Valentine’s Day is over. But does that mean you just hang up the romance until the next special occasion? Remember the time (in my Michael Jackson voice) when you two first got married and you simply couldn’t keep your hands off each other...and there was no special occasion necessary? There was this insatiable magnetism when you two were together. But then you allowed life … [Read more...]
It’s Not You, It’s Men: Tyrese and Rev. Run Tackle Sex Before Marriage
On the premiere episode of the new talk show, It’s Not You, It’s Men hosted by Tyrese Gibson and Rev Run, the topic of discussion was Sex & Sensibility - Should you have sex prior to marriage? In this very raw and uncensored format, the host, along with their guests, shared their thoughts on the subject. I would like to share mine as well. Let’s talk about sex: 3% of … [Read more...]
3 Very Costly Relationship Mistakes that Singles Should Avoid
The tragedy of "new love" is that often it dies young, long before it reaches the "golden years." Too many couples rush into certain territories far too soon and negatively impact the direction and outcome of their relationships. We want to be strategic without being mechanical and free-flowing without being loose. Love is not a sprint. It's a long slow walk. There are … [Read more...]
Men: 6 Things About Sex, Marriage, and Dating You Would Know If You Thought Like Women
When it comes to relationships, some men often wonder what their wives or girlfriends think about, what they want, what they like, how they can please them, etc. etc. So, after hearing all that and listening to them complain that women are complicated and hard to understand, I began to wonder what men would know if they acted like men but thought like women. So I, along with … [Read more...]
19 Husbands Dish on “What Did You Think the First Time You Had Sex with Your Wife?”
Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. So what happened the first time our couples did the nasty. Our husbands and wives tell all about the first time "it" went down and what they thought about it. They answer the question "What did you … [Read more...]
19 Wives Dish on “What Did You Think the First Time You Had Sex with Your Husband?”
Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. So what happened the first time our couples did the nasty. Our husbands and wives tell all about the first time "it" went down and what they thought about it. They answer the question "What did you … [Read more...]
19 Wives Answer ‘What is the Craziest Place You’ve Ever Had Sex with Your Husband?’
Husbands and wives get intimate with BMWK and share some of the most intimate details and private thoughts about their relationship in our He said, She said lasting love series. So it's time for the juice. Our husbands and wives hold nothing back when dishing on what makes the love jones come down in their house, or park, or wherever they happen to be when the mood strikes. … [Read more...]