To lead means to guide, go in front of, and show the way. Ephesians 5:23 says: for the husband is the head of the wife; as also Christ is the head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. So husbands, it is your duty to lead your wife and family. Where you lead not only impacts your marriage but will have an effect on your children. They have no choice but to be led … [Read more...]
10 Beautifully Courageous Qualities of the Proverbs 31 Woman and Why You Want to Be Her
By: Jessica Taylor-Mosley What makes the Proverbs 31 woman so elite, where she stands in a class all by herself? It’s simple. This incredible woman is in a class all by herself simply because of what she is made of and the courage it takes to get there! And what she is made of didn’t come all at once but rather through the process of time. She is a woman of great … [Read more...]
2 Ways to Establish Your Relationship With God Before You Get Married
And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. (Matthew 22:37-38, ESV) Before I fell in love with God, I viewed life through a foggy glass. But after the love of Jesus invaded my heart, everything became clear. That clarity was because I found the singular … [Read more...]
The One Thing God Really Wants From Your Marriage
Marriage is one of the oldest institutions we have on the earth. The first marriage ever recorded was that of Adam and Eve, thousands of years ago, at the genesis of man’s existence. It is from this marriage we learn God’s desire for man not to be alone, but to have a helpmate to help accomplish God’s purpose for their lives. Fast forward to modern day. People are still … [Read more...]
Does Separation Mean It’s Ok to “Get Your Groove Back” with Someone Else?
Separation in marriage can be tricky. First you must think about why you separated and how long it will last. In a previous article, Does Separation Lead to Divorce?, I shared some of the consequences of a marriage separation. Dating others is one area I think should be avoided because it can lead you places you had no intention of going. Remember, even though you are … [Read more...]
What You Need While Waiting for Your Spouse
If you are waiting for the right person to come along to spend the rest of your life with, I want to encourage you to be patient. It’s tempting to look at friends and family who are engaged or already married and question God about where your spouse is. Don’t let negative thoughts discourage you while you wait. Don’t let others tell you that marriage may not be for … [Read more...]
5 Scriptures to Help Change Your Mind About Your Marriage
Have you ever had a rough time in your marriage? Have you ever caught yourself thinking bad thoughts about your marriage and wonder where those thoughts came from? I’ve caught myself in that situation before. Negative thoughts would come so easily and quickly and I would find my feelings changing due to the thoughts running through my mind. It was like a conversation going … [Read more...]
3 Ways God Can Lead You During Dating Season
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. There may be someone you know that is leery of marriage for fear they may end up with the wrong person. That’s a legitimate concern because no one wants to get hurt. There are many paths we will take in life and … [Read more...]
First Time Mothers: The One Thing that Released Me from the Fear of Being a Parent
A fellow BMWK writer, friend, and soon to be first time dad posted a question on social media asking people to honestly share their fears about becoming first time parents. I started to respond to the post by listing all of the fears that had plagued me before becoming a parent. However, I decided against it. I didn’t want to scare the crap out of him with my paranoia and I … [Read more...]
5 Reminders from God to Help You After Arguing with Your Spouse
The other day my wife and I had a disagreement about a issue caused by miscommunication. In the heat of the moment we both were very upset with one another and we both made statements that were unnecessary. After I apologized, and she forgave me also apologizing for her role in the argument, we both looked at each other saying, "What were we even arguing about?" It is so … [Read more...]
The One Key to Making it Through the Good, Bad, and Ugly in Your Marriage That Everybody Should be Doing but They’re Not
One of the most quoted verses on marriage in the bible is Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for man to be alone." Many times we have taken the meaning of this scripture's right to marriage, being God’s point here. Well, it isn’t. When God said it is not good for man to be alone, he was referring to friendship. God created us for each other to the degree that there are over 59 … [Read more...]
3 Reasons You Need to Seek God Daily Whether You’re Married, Engaged or Single
A message my pastor brought was on how to make it through tough times. He said that we should allow God to take control because He sees what we cannot. We have to learn to trust Him with every decision we have to make. He said before we make a decision we out to seek God. So I thought I would share that we should seek him in our relationships too regardless if we are married, … [Read more...]
Learn From My Mistake: The One Foolish Decision that Almost Compromised the Marriage I Wanted
The most memorable moment of my life was underway. It is my wedding day, and everyone who has played a major role in my life and my wife’s life were sitting before us. The music begins to play and she proceeds down the aisle with her Father. Now, most men are staring at their bride some, even crying. I actually had a flash back to the life changing experience I had with God … [Read more...]
What It Once Was, Well It Ain’t Now: How to Be Grateful for The Life You Have Today
By Bil Mooney-McCoy “See what it once was; well, it ain’t now. I’ma tell you what it is…” Lyrics from a song my son wrote. You know, sometimes, it’s important to look back – to see where you’ve come from. Lately, I’ve been distressed. I’ve assessed where I am professionally, artistically, and vocationally and I feel regret. At this stage and age, I should be further in … [Read more...]
Allow God to be the Conductor of Your Marriage
A Conductor directs a musical performance by way of visible gestures to unify performers, set the tempo, execute clear preparations and beats, and to listen critically and shape the sound of the ensemble. Why not let God be the conductor of your marriage? If like the performer, you keep your eyes on the Master Conductor and follow His gestures; your marriage can be a beautiful … [Read more...]